By unlucky neighbors - 06/12/2013 09:36 - China - Shanghai
Same thing different taste
By Uriyahu - 20/09/2010 22:11 - United States
By Nick - 27/11/2009 10:11 - United Kingdom
Losing my bearings
By Anonymous - 12/09/2021 08:00 - United States - Folsom
By imatotalloser - 28/07/2017 05:00
By Kyokushin - 03/06/2009 14:15 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/05/2012 19:03 - Canada
By Anonymous - 10/12/2009 11:47 - United Kingdom
By rimenrezon - 06/01/2015 14:10 - United States - Tampa
By Caution - 02/10/2018 22:00
By Anonymous - 13/04/2016 08:25
Top comments
What happened to the fish girl?
^That's exactly what I was wondering!
There was an FML about a girl with a new cat that ate her room-mate's fish. At least, I think there was, otherwise I may be the one with the memory of a goldfish .... oh look! A castle!
Well, at least you have a larger apartment now!
And some roomies... Who sound like fun... Oh wait...
Hang on! There was an FML about a girl and a fish. It got deleted. Then I asked where the FML with the girl and the fish went to. That got deleted too! I think there is an FML conspiracy of silence around girls with cats that eat fish! Or perhaps I'm hallucinating.
no there is something...insert pun. but seriously. ANSWER US FML STAFF
Sarcasm is sometimes hard to detect on social media/the internet.
It is also difficult for a pun to be mistaken as sarcasm but that's what happened here
I'm not sure how it works in China where you're from, but where I live that's called a PARTY. After an incident like that, drunken debauchery is mandatory. I don't make the laws, I just follow them.
Not really called a party for the person sitting innocently on the other side if the wall. Also not sure where you're from but around here that's called recklessness.
Wow, it seems everyone took their Seriousomycin this morning. It's just a joke, apparently a bad one. Back to the drawing board.
Holy moly! Doc got negative votes! :O
I thought your comment was hilarious. It was obviously not serious.
So long as they sort it out, I don't really see the problem.
Well, that is one way to greet the new neighbors...
I feel simultaneously empathetic and impressed. Also, good luck finding a new apartment as I'm you will be doing that soon.
I feel simultaneously empathetic and impressed. Also, good luck finding a new apartment as I'm sure you will be doing that soon!
There seems to be an echo in here.
I'm slightly confused because I tried to edit my comment and it just left a comment on my comment. I'm not sure how to remedy this..
One of the FML staff will probably wander by and fix it some time - then I'll look an idiot!
Can we all agree that the true idiots in this FML are the ones who thought it would be a good idea to run through a wall?
it's called urban bull fighting. have you ever been on meth? no? alright don't judge meth-ador's unless you've been one.
If it makes me leap through walls, I'm quite content giving meth' a miss, thanks all the same.
when Walter offers you a free sample, you take it man.
And if they go through three more apartments, they might break the fourth wall
Rotted wall...that sounds really unsafe health wise...
Welcome to Shangai, China. My friend went there to find himself or some shit, and took the first plane back. With that much pollution and poverty, rotten walls are the least of your concern.
Alcohol: Putting the "community" back into "communism" for over a hundred years! Private property is so bourgeois and overrated.
welcome to the predetermined great united space of shared enjoyment!

Well, at least you have a larger apartment now!
I'm not sure how it works in China where you're from, but where I live that's called a PARTY. After an incident like that, drunken debauchery is mandatory. I don't make the laws, I just follow them.