By imatotalloser - 28/07/2017 05:00

Today, after months of telling my landlord about the weak floorboards in my living room, I fell through them as I was trying to repair them myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 270
You deserved it 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretty sure that the landlord can be held liable for any injuries due to failure to maintain safe living conditions. Time to lawyer up.

Lobby_Bee 17

Instead of doing his dirty work for him, why not just look for another place to rent? He could possibly sue you for damages to his property.


Pretty sure that the landlord can be held liable for any injuries due to failure to maintain safe living conditions. Time to lawyer up.

Actually by not having documented proof from a third party, he's likely only screwed himself because the manager can just claim the damage is your fault for working on it without permission and evict you.

If there's any records of OP filing complaints- phone calls, letters emails, etc- then the lack of a third party witness won't matter. Having photographic evidence would also make it unnecessary. If there have been any inspections done to the building- which are supposed to be done routinely- that would be another way to make it unnecessary.

Lobby_Bee 17

Instead of doing his dirty work for him, why not just look for another place to rent? He could possibly sue you for damages to his property.

Hope you've got proof of your complaints to hold your landlord responsible.

Really, people? I've got to wonder who said YDI!!? I hope you're ok now.

tolkien897 15

guess whose getting sued for damages? that landlord.