By injuredwifelady - 23/02/2016 08:23 - United States - Omaha

Today, I was sleeping peacefully with my cat sweetly snuggling my legs under the covers. My husband dutch-ovened her, and she shredded my calves as she rushed to escape. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 835
You deserved it 1 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet that wasn't the only pussy he drove away that night

I sure hope your legs don't get infected. Heal quick OP.


I sure hope your legs don't get infected. Heal quick OP.

Dang that's unfortunate, next time keep her above the covers

Those things know how to get anywhere and anyplace it's scary. Also, once they find a comfort zone, you best not mess with them.

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That's hilarious that your husband Dutch ovened your cat. But seriously fyl hope your legs get better

Rub catnip on his legs tonight. Hope your legs heal, OP!

Well that's just cruel isn't it? What he did was completely accidental.

No he purposefully Dutch ovened the cat. The injuries to op were accidental but he made the choice to be a dick to the cat.

So that means she should purposely hurt him? It sucks majorly that she got hurt, but that wasn't his intenion. You can't just hurt someone on purpose to get back at them.

I was just being funny, no need to take to heart.

Keep your husband away from your cat! Sorry OP!

I bet that wasn't the only pussy he drove away that night

?? OMG that was the funniest comment I've read all morning??.

Haven't seen it yet, so I must do it as per tradition. What a CATastrophe.

Jachin357 28

that cat is going to get pink eye

katydid91 31

How? How does that even relate to the situation at hand?