By girlfromnowhere - 23/02/2016 11:06 - United Arab Emirates

Today, my boss asked me to work over the entire weekend. That would be fine if I didn't already work a 60 hour week. He also said the extra hours on the weekend wouldn't be paid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 729
You deserved it 2 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's not even thankful for the hard work and hours you've put in! Isn't it illegal for the company not to pay you for your time worked anyway? I hope you said no. It sounds like you're exhausted. Good luck!


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everton99 16

The laws pertaining to work may be a lot different in the UAE than they are in America. It may be hard to come across a job, and he/she may get fired for not working extra.

I thought there was a shortage of workers?

NellieeNell 18

#24, OP said that they "asked" so if the boss asked then OP does in fact have the option of saying no

Oh_bother44 11

52, sometimes the "asking" is a formality with the underlying implication that saying "no" could put you out of a job

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In situations like these, which I've been in myself, it's usually some family member that owns a place and wants their younger family member work for free

I'd probably be more likely to say no to a family member because I'd expect them, of all people, not to take advantage of me.

Given the person is from UAE, culture is different there, you can't just deny an elder

He's not even thankful for the hard work and hours you've put in! Isn't it illegal for the company not to pay you for your time worked anyway? I hope you said no. It sounds like you're exhausted. Good luck!

A lot of "on call" work isn't paid if you get paid salary rather than hourly.

Don't forget this is in the United Arabia emrites so the laws mighty be different around what they pay yo for

if they're on salary, doesn't really matter a diff.

ApollosMyth 22

It would be illegal (pretty sure) for you to work without pay.

@4 Yeah I can't think of a situation where you can be told to work without compensation? If anything, shouldn't you be paid *more* for overtime hours? I mean maybe it's different if you're a salaried employee.

I'm salaried for 40 hours, and I've worked weekends and stay late regularly. We don't get paid for those extra hours.

Anything over 40 is pay and a half, so to not get paid for a good chunk of the next 30 hours is nastiness in itself.

If you get paid salary rather than hourly, many companies don't pay you for extra work. They say it is covered in your salary throughout the year, or your bonus reflects the extra hours you put in.

he's in the United Arab Emirates. different laws

It's a different country American labor laws don't apply over there

The extra pay policies works differently for different countries

Steve97 32

She's a woman. In the UAE. I really can't see how that would bode well for her, *especially* if she's not an Emirati. Migrant workers are treated like moldy asscheeks. They're not quite on the level of our Saudi "friends" in terms of human rights violations, but they do their fair share of bullshit.

Unless this is an unpaid internship, cannot see how this would be legal...

Americans sometimes think that the rest of the world should operate exactly like them, which unfortunately is not the case.

isnobodyhere 32

Um then say no? This would definitely be your fault if you took the hours knowing he told you he wasn't going to pay you for them ahead of time.

If you're not being paid, then don't do it.