By Oops - 07/01/2017 20:48 - United Kingdom - Newcastle Upon Tyne

Today, I accidentally spilled red wine on my cat. She ran away and licked the wine off before I had a chance to clean her. My mother is deeply concerned our cat is dying. I'm trying to tell her to wait 24 hours before taking her to the vet's, simply because I think my cat is hung over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 849
You deserved it 1 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

num1piglover 13

If it was just a small amount she will probably be fine, just make sure she is drinking water and isn't acting overly weird.

Tell your mom if she wants to save your cat, she'd be better off taking it to an AA meeting.


num1piglover 13

If it was just a small amount she will probably be fine, just make sure she is drinking water and isn't acting overly weird.

<p>Or... Have heard of that incredible invention called the telephone? If I were worried that my cat might get very sick because of alcohol consumption, I would call the vet just to make sure it will not have any (deadly) effect on my pet and not just wait and see... While there&nbsp;might be no need to rush to the vet right away, as I'm not a doctor myself, I'd rather have some advice from a professional and know for sure my cat will be ok&nbsp;than take any risk for&nbsp;his or her

Tell your mom if she wants to save your cat, she'd be better off taking it to an AA meeting.

Talis99 26

Call the damn vet. Alcohol will hit a small creature faster and grapes are poisonous to cats. At least be a somewhat responsible pet owner and call. Accidents happen, but you could at least play it safe afterwards.

<p>Grapes are deadly to cats. They can cause kidney failure. I think you should take the cat to the vet ASAP</p>

This is the way to go a call to The vet costs absolutely nothing except call time

In the event you ever have children, OP, when it comes to potential poisons "wait and see" is about as horrible a policy as they come.

<p>I'm pretty sure it's not possible for cats to get drunk. The only reason we can get drunk is because we evolved to be able to eat fruits that had rotted somewhat and had alcohol. &nbsp;Alcohol is simply a poison to cats.&nbsp;</p>

It's possibile for mamy Animals, some get drunk on purpose

neuronerd 28

<p>At least call the vet. Even small amounts of grapes (thus wine) can cause kidney failure in cats.</p>

If your mom had the money she should take the cat. As others said, this isn't a simple "lol drunk cat" alcohol is poisonous to animals. It's better to take the cat and make sure they're fine rather than wait and the cat dies.