By Anonymous - 17/04/2015 20:43 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was playing Monopoly with my extended family. When my wife came home, she kicked me out of the game and took all my money and property. When I said she couldn't do that, she said "Sure I can. It's called divorce." Everyone laughed. Now I'm bored as hell, watching everyone else play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 171
You deserved it 3 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, maybe if you wanted to keep playing, you should have put your foot down?

Sounds like she needs to go directly to jail without passing go or collecting $200.


amileah13 26

Let's hope she doesn't actually mean it!

im_a_black_guy 10

I was expecting him to say that

Well, maybe if you wanted to keep playing, you should have put your foot down?

No, #45. Standing up for himself would've been sufficient.

I thought jokes were supposed to be funny.

Kallian_fml 21

The worst part is, with how long it takes to play monopoly, OP is probably still watching and about to shoot himself due to boredom.

Sounds like she needs to go directly to jail without passing go or collecting $200.

Sounds like someone won't get a chance at the community chest either.

im_a_black_guy 10

I don't want a chest if everyone gets a grab at it

Flipping the board only ruins everyone else's fun and makes you look like a sore loser, plus everyone gets mad. Op should've told his wife they could play as a team. That way neither is bored while the game is played for hours.

If her best friend was there should have moved in with her and said "thats called dating your best friend"

JMichael 25

Hopefully it was just a joke. a very bad one.

YourOpinionSucks 22

Why didn't you just flip the board? She wants to ruin your fun, take everyone else's with you.

Kinda makes you sound like a whiny b*tch

Flipping the board makes you this legendary character of all funny family stories. Trust me, do it once and no one forgets.

That works for a chic, if a guy does it you're just a whiney little bitch.

LOL you get a legal scholar wife....Hope that I am as smart as your wife when I study family law

I dont think throwing a tantrum and flipping the game like some others are suggesting is a wise move for a grown ass man but damn, you cant just let her treat you like that. . . but since you bent over and took it, I gotta say ydi a little . . sad but true. . .

You're right. What could have OP done though, without making it a big deal or throwing tantrums, especially with the family being there? I think if I was in his place I would've said: "well I'll see you in court then". Then I would have just leave the room with a drink in my hand and pretended I'm having a good time even if I'm not playing.

Just tell her no? Then if she tries to force the issue, she'll be the one throwing a tantrum.

I think op should've told her they can play as a team. That way neither of them is bored while the game goes on for hours. (Seriously, it's the longest game ever.)