By rachlette - 17/04/2015 21:47 - United States - Seattle

Today, I coughed so hard that I fractured two ribs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 502
You deserved it 2 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That wasn't a cough, it's an alien trying to burst out of your chest cavity.

Sounds like you have very fragile bones. You should get that looked at.


Ribcage muscles expanded too far out, I'm guessing she fractured the bottom 2 near the diaphragm

Cracking story! But seriously, feel better soon OP! :)

erizonkim 17

Sounds like you have very fragile bones. You should get that looked at.

Anyone can fracture a rib if they cough hard enough. Don't need fragile bones for it to happen.

I'm a nurse. I see this more often then you would believe.

Sounds like you've got whooping cough.

Actually I have done that more times than I want to remember. Of course I have asthma so anytime I get a cold the coughing is worse. My bones are good though.

I learned in CPR/First Aid training from our surgeon instructor that a patient came in to the hospital with cracked ribs. All she did was sneeze. They found out she had osteoporosis. So #4 is right, OP should (most likely already has) go to the hospital.

Equitube 4
amileah13 26

Yeah your life sucks! Sorry that happened to you op!

So you have a superman diaphragm but human ribs? You might wanna get a replacement for those...

I think this FML needs a follow up. I wunna know just how that happens.

gabby_john_ 15

That's a big cough you got there

That wasn't a cough, it's an alien trying to burst out of your chest cavity.