By Anonymous - 17/04/2015 20:43 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was playing Monopoly with my extended family. When my wife came home, she kicked me out of the game and took all my money and property. When I said she couldn't do that, she said "Sure I can. It's called divorce." Everyone laughed. Now I'm bored as hell, watching everyone else play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 156
You deserved it 3 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, maybe if you wanted to keep playing, you should have put your foot down?

Sounds like she needs to go directly to jail without passing go or collecting $200.


Of course it wouldn't work if the genders were swapped

Well that's bloody harsh. have you done something recently to provoke that?

kenerics 12
mjansing 4

sorry op sounds like you're wife's a bitch, also what person would ever ue a poorly timed divorce joke.

Well OP sounds like your wife is a hell of a bitch but you shoulda grew some balls and took the cards back not allowed her to take them from you in the first place.

And you know what? If he did that to her, everyone would call him out on it and say it's unfair.

In case you haven't read all the comments above, everyone is saying the exact same thing about op's wife. There's no gender inequality going on here.

Push her out of the way and keep going were u left off

Wouldn't you be bored as hell playing that long boring ass game anyways?

Honestly, you're an adult, and it's just a board game. Get over it, and find yourself something better to do.