By Sylvania - 10/06/2009 23:07 - United States

Today, I was playing a medieval game with my brother, when he took all of his character's clothes off and said, "Let's have sex!" I looked at him and said, "UH YOU ARE MY BROTHER!" He turns and looks at me, smiling and says, "But not in the game!" I am a 19 year old girl. He is 12. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 767
You deserved it 5 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg ur brother needs to see a counsellor or shrink or something he's messed up!


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Omg ur brother needs to see a counsellor or shrink or something he's messed up!

NoahStaz 3

Hey! Incest is fairly popular now in North Carolina

MissNicky_fml 0

Umm no. Hes a kid. Hes 12 he is perfectly normal

umm i cant think of an adequate response for this. FHL there's something not right with him.

None of you guys think of this as a joke... Seriously u all are way more perverted then him.

EWWW you **** 12-year-old boys? ....we should hang out some time and pedo-bait some kids on the internet ;)

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I would be totally traumatised having a younger brother myself but that's like the age they learn about sex so its in their mind and from now on for a couple of years everything will be perverted. FYL

Well actually I learned about that at school when I was in 5th grade and I was 10

Wow I'm debating what's worse. 1: Your brother wants to have sex with you. (I don't care if it's in the game) 2: You're 19 and playing with a 12 year old on a medieval game.

jamescrazy96 17

If I had a brother, I would play games with him!

KhaleesiDannie 26

They could be playing Fable 2 or 3 it's a medieval game it's multiplayer and you can have sex