By Anonymous - 18/02/2017 06:00 - Australia - Frankston

Today, after a recent move into my new apartment, I woke up early to study for an upcoming exam. I hadn't left my bed yet or made a sound, when my neighbor texted me and asked why I was awake. No one in the building has my phone number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 384
You deserved it 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Once you find the camera you will have evidence to break your lease and press charges.


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Show it anyway

That's partly why it's creepy. S(he) didn't give out his/her number, yet someone had it

Fine, no one in the building SHOULD have his number.

Nonexistentguy 7

Does your neighbor happen to be a Russian spy?

Once you find the camera you will have evidence to break your lease and press charges.

Wow, that is way to creepy, OP. We definitely need a follow up to this..

Probably the neighbour is your real estate agent.

Even then, he shouldn't know your number and what you're doing at that moment.

No one except your stalker neighbor, apparently.

How did you know it was your neighbor that texted you?

Maybe OP was stalking their neighbor first and has his/her number.

They could have said in the text that they were OP's neighbor

jcash52426 5