By anonymous - 09/10/2011 01:20 - Australia

Today, I was play-wrestling with my girlfriend. I ended up with a cut, three bruises on my arm and a black eye. She just giggled the entire time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 253
You deserved it 27 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments


reaper72404 3

You're the one who wanted her to beat you up in the other FML. Mission accomplished. I bet your friends think you're really tough now.

Well next time, don't argue about wanting your Girlfriend to dye her hair your ex's colour. Jeez.

Is she a ninja? Or are you just a pussy?

You're a pussy & your girlfriends a psycho. Good luck with that...

Hey man you ever heard this saying: mess with the bull and you get the horn? You don't play with fire without expecting to get burnt, so quit your bitchy whining and either grow up or man up

Us ozzies are born from the fine ingredients of vinegar steak and multiculturalism :) such nice people we are

I'm not really sure what the problem is, would you prefer her to be injured rather than you?

Girlfriend: 1 You: 0 Hmmmm, maybe take some Kung Fu? Might help. :)

Well we know who will defending who when something happens

OP, I hope you dumped her ass faster than a hot potato. If you were playing around and doing your best not to actually hurt her, then there's no reason for her to have been so violent. Women shouldn't be able to get away with physical violence merely because they're women. And this is coming from a woman. People laughing and calling the OP a pussy for getting hurt are the main reason why men who are ACTUALLY suffering from domestic abuse rarely come forward. Congratulations assholes, you're helping to support domestic violence.

Intelligent life detected. Hard to find people that thinks: Man hitting a woman = Bad Woman hitting a man = Bad.

ReynshineCutting 10

It's not that hard to leave bruises when playing around. And if she accidentally caught him in the eye with her elbow, there's the black eye. My fiancé and I play wrestle a lot. I leave bruises on him all the time, but he bruises way easy. It takes a lot for me to bruise. If she got a little too rough (and that can easily happen when play wrestling) that's absolutely no reason to leave her. OP should just talk to her about it. If it continues or she blows him off, then sure he should leave, but a discussion is warranted first if they are at all emotionally invested in each other.

It sounds like he didn't notice till the end and if it was domestic abuse it wouldn't have the word "play" in it, btw has any one ever herd of a guy getting the shit kicked out him by a girl

Oh, all he had to do was get an underhook and and overhook, shrimp his legs out, and get his butterfly hooks...and voilà! Wait, what are we talking about here? |the kid|

reddawn85 8

It did say they were play-wrestling. I got a ladder if you need help down of that soapbox, though

Playing or not (I can read you know) it's the fact that she laughed at hurting him that's not cool. If you accidentally blacked a friend's eye while fooling around, would you not still apologize? Accident or not? And the abuse comments are directed at the people telling him to suck it up, just because she's a girl. Girl or no, people should not intentionally hurt other people, that's all I meant.