By anonymous - 09/10/2011 01:20 - Australia

Today, I was play-wrestling with my girlfriend. I ended up with a cut, three bruises on my arm and a black eye. She just giggled the entire time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 253
You deserved it 27 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That sounds more like an all out brawl not "play-wrestling"

Damn boy. Never piss her off. Imagine what she'll do to you when she's actually trying.

short212 3

dam jst shows ur a pussy haha

hateevryone 14

that's what you get for wrestling. She showed you.

Everbody really needs to watch KO girl on youtube its funny as hell and this made me think of it. O and if you haven't seen I will not do crack cocaine I would advise you to watch that as well