By Anonymous - 14/02/2014 01:31 - United States

Today, I was out with my girlfriend at a club. As a slow dance began, a guy approached and asked, "May I cut in?" My girlfriend surprised me by saying, "Sure!" As I was about to protest, the guy cut me off and said, "Sorry miss, I was asking him." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 992
You deserved it 7 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you danced with him as revenge for your gf saying yes. That would show her!


I've found the best FML on the internet ever. EVER. This will not be disputed. Also, I hope you said yes. Like, really hope you did.

Technically, you're supposed to ask the other guy, before you cut in with a girl. The GF made the mistake.

jweb1434 6

This could mean two things! OP tell us if the guy wanted to dance with you or if he was asking your permission to dance with your gf

Chaosshadowzero 15

Id've dumped her ass for that one

So you have a girlfriend with a want to cheat and a gay guy hitting on you? Well at least you're good looking enough to get hit on by a gay guy.

Gorefest45 8

Hey man, if a gay dude starts flirting with you, accept the compliment. If he asks you to dance, eh.. If you're straight, avoid that shit lol