By blueglover - 27/03/2012 07:40 - United States - Perris

Today, I made a new friend. He seemed pretty cool, until we came to the topic of religion and the ancient alien theory. I'm seemingly now friends with a guy who thinks alien Jesus raped an Earth woman, and we're the resulting cross-breed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 954
You deserved it 3 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretty sure the comments are going to be stopped pretty soon. If not, all hail a religion war.

22cute 17

Actually, that theory makes MORE sense from a biological standpoint than virgin birth.


rosha267 21

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

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22cute 17

Actually, that theory makes MORE sense from a biological standpoint than virgin birth.

MissHayleyJames 7

Respectfully disagreed.

FMLshark 12

Wait. That's not what happened? My whole life at crazy Jesus camp was a LIE

I think they all make the same amount of sense: zero.

I don't look down or have weighted thoughts on the Bible, Qur'an, or Torah. They are all equally worthless.

America, I did not have sexual relations with that woman!

stellafoy 1
DomoGenesis 3

I sense comments being locked due to religious differences. Happens every time.

Epsilonyx 15

Also, 16, it does not. Virgin birth in the scientific community is known as parthenogenesis. That's a bit more plausible than a mutated extraterrestrial Jesus raping a woman.

It sounds like a Predator storyline lol. Would've made that Mel Gibson movie so much better...

85- The results are in. You are NOT the father.

What the hell is the Qur'an??? It's the Koran dumbass.

Dafuq? Sounds better than a Jesus freak.

everyone is entitled to their own opinion!

Agreed. People are entitled to believe in anything they want to or not anything at all If you don't believe in anything, then respect the people who do, no matter how strange it sounds. All if not most beliefs systems are supported in their own way.

You see OPs friends beliefs start a new branch if christianity

Yes, and we have the right to tell them (politely) that they are wrong (unless they have proof).

How can you tell them they are wrong as long as you can't prove the opposite? That's why I never claim god doesn't exist, even though I don't personally believe in him.

Pretty sure the comments are going to be stopped pretty soon. If not, all hail a religion war.

MissHayleyJames 7

I was just about to say the same thing.

Tu es psychicae! (thats latin for "you are psychic!")

It's fun reading the religion arguments. It's a bunch of people arguing over fairytales.

Hey mum, there's something in the back room, hope it's not the creatures from above!

If you we're his friend you wouldn't care about what he thinks about Jesus...

bitch_pleez 10

Look at the picture of the guy who's spelling you just corrected. I believe it speaks for everyone who does not give two ***** how a word is spelled as long as the meaning is clear.

Your right Bitch_Pleez. I actually was going to say "bitch please you think I care?" but you took the words right out of my mouth!

^^ You're** right. It makes it much easier for the readers to understand what you're saying when you spell words correctly. I won't care if you call me a bitch like you did with #17.

I won't call you out. If you can read it and it makes sense, you shouldn't be correcting it, it's not a big deal.

Gothicbunnyx3 16

Whoa now. Larping and having a weird/awkward/different view on religion is 2 completely different things that are not tied in any way. Lets try and keep that as such please.

MeowsLikaLion 4

live action roll play is awesome shut your dirty mouth. not that having a different view on religion is in any way shape or form connected to it.

Ah, saying she'll be the earth woman, and he'll play Alien-Jesus? ..Could be fun.

the_tiger_fml 0

you would care if he was mental tho...

Are many Americans this weird with religion? :S

perdix 29

Nah, most Americans think the earth woman was asking for it ;)

No... Wait.... Thats kinda a trick question.

11-I'd say yes. As for the OP, that doesn't sound much crazier than the talking snake and all the other bible myths. Or any other mythology. Is Athena springing from Zeus's head crazier than, say, Jesus born of a virgin mother? 62-def appreciated the Blink 182 reference as well.