By James4929 - 08/01/2010 00:25 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on a long-haul plane journey home from my holiday. After 5 hours, I decided to stretch my arms whilst watching a movie. Little did I know that a little girl was approaching, running down the aisle as my arm stretched out. I accidentally clothes-lined a little 9 year old girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 330
You deserved it 4 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brats parents should have their child under control.

CyclonePsycho 1

You know Twinklestar, I am glad you are privileged enough to be able to fly first-class anytime you want. But the rest of us simply can't chose the more expensive options. It's not up to everyone else to adjust themselves accordingly because children are roaming around the plane like little demons. YOU need to control YOUR kids. Is it too much to ask that school-aged kids not act like maniacs in tight crowded spaces? Just because we expect that kind of crap doesn't mean we should tolerate it. Sure she was just going to the bathroom. But why wasn't she walking? Babies and toddlers acting up is one thing, but that girl should have been taught better than to run down the aisle of a plane. Nine years old is old enough to know how to behave in public. She's not "little" by any standards.


don't be a prostitute in Russia and you won't need insurance

The little girl deserved it. Running on a plane? Stupid.


he should consider going into WWE

This is so funny. She deserved it for running down the aisles.

flyinmysoup 0

maybe you shouldn't call him a loser, but rather "THE PUNISHER." There's a good chance that little girl will grow up and do some horrible, bitchy thing in the future. The OP just punished her preemptively.

Bojanglies 0

Loser? or Winner? I think this man has finally broken the man-slapping barrier that women have held sacred for years. Now let it be known, that men can clothesline little girls when they get out of control!

Shady_R 0

You're being awfully dramatic. It was an accident. The kid was out of control and if anyone did anything wrong, it was the parents who didn't have better control of their kid. By comparing it to partner abuse, you minimizing the awfulness that is partner abuse.

Thunderbender 2

Why? He didn't clothesline the girl. Kids suck!

ahaha this made my day :) thank you very much

guyfawke 5

the kid deserved it for running in an aircraft.

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If you have no tolerance, don't be cheap and fly in business or first class.

CyclonePsycho 1

You know Twinklestar, I am glad you are privileged enough to be able to fly first-class anytime you want. But the rest of us simply can't chose the more expensive options. It's not up to everyone else to adjust themselves accordingly because children are roaming around the plane like little demons. YOU need to control YOUR kids. Is it too much to ask that school-aged kids not act like maniacs in tight crowded spaces? Just because we expect that kind of crap doesn't mean we should tolerate it. Sure she was just going to the bathroom. But why wasn't she walking? Babies and toddlers acting up is one thing, but that girl should have been taught better than to run down the aisle of a plane. Nine years old is old enough to know how to behave in public. She's not "little" by any standards.

Babies sometimes have a lot of ear pain in the air, particularly at takeoff. Not fun for any of us, but it is painful and terrifying for them.

Don't blame the kids, blame the lazy, indulgent parents. Whenever I fly Aeroflot, there's almost never any screaming kids. Why? The eastern European parents keep them from making a scene.

Actually Cyclone, it's not up to everyone else to adjust their plans because you are intolerant. If you can't afford a car and take public transport, you have to deal with the other people taking public transport. If you can't afford to fly first class you have to deal with the fact that children will be on that flight and that babies will cry when their ears hurt, young children will get bored sitting for 10+ hours on long flights, and sometimes older children might run to the bathroom. If the kid on the OPs plane was "running around like a maniac" he would have heard her coming, so don't exaggerate. Most likely she was hurrying to the bathroom. Running to the bathroom is hardly misbehaving, especially if she is bored as hell on a long haul flight. Get a grip.

blazingman311 1

"There should be an age limit" ? What about families with young children? If you ask me, there should be an IQ limit for this website.

You guys take FML way too seriously. Just shut the hell up, read it, laugh, and move on to the next one. Jesus, this ain't a debate forum.

Maybe because OP was watching a movie, and thus wearing headphones, he was unable to hear the little girl running down the isle?

Yeah, I get that a lot too. Take off and landing stuffs up your sineses and creates a lot of pain in your ears and on either side of you nose

An age limit?! Are you serious? Families all over the world need to travel for vacations and visitation to families.

brats parents should have their child under control.

sensboltsfan84 4

I agree that people need to control their children, but some children have special needs that prevent them from behaving.

Hahahahahha nice one! I'd probably do the same, only it wouldn't be an accident. ;]

lol jajajaja bet she won't be running down the hall any more

amberbby69 6

Haha, i would've loved to seen your face and the faces of everyone around you. lol Oh well, the parent shouldn't even be mad. It's her fault for not being able to control her 9 year old daughter. Who just decides to run in an airplane?!

Number 7 has the worst stutter. Bet doesnt even start with the letter J.

Actually, they were probably intending on saying hahahaha but pressed j instead of h. that or they're from another country that say ja. I'm going with option 1.

CyclonePsycho 1

Doesn't ja = ha in Spanish or some other language? I mean, the j in Spanish sounds a lot closer to the h in English than a Spanish h, so it makes sense.

Saying Jajajaja is a thing from waaaay back on the internet, it's just a stupid mini-meme. It's like people saying Kekekeke and stuff like that.