By Darkness162000 - 08/01/2010 00:21 - France

Today, I found out that while I was on vacation my neighbor had let my brother into my apartment. I don't have a brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 334
You deserved it 2 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would your neighbor have access to your apartment? :p

tell your neighbor for a description and go to the police duh :P


wazdog 4

Meh. Details would be nice.

wazdog 4

Just wondering how much was stolen. It could range from not much to game over.

hellokittywhore 0

LMFAO!!! at wazdog not the fml but I think you could sue him the neibhor WTF it's not his place to let someone in your apartment. DICK

KingGeorgeGal 12

Dude, put two and two together.

Why would your neighbor have access to your apartment? :p

I assume they trust (or trusted) them. It's nice to know someone has an extra set of your keys if you lose them or there's an emergency.

Or to water the plants, feed the fish. Strange though, how someone found out who had the key, convinced them he was your brother and got them to let him in to your house, even though he could obviously not be visiting YOU. Who is that stupid? Feel sorry for you OP, I'm hoping the only damage is a slept-in bed or an empty fridge, but you're probably not that lucky...

peaceSUCKAh 0

that's what I was thinking :D

amberbby69 6

haha, you'll come back to a clean empty apartment. lol FYL

tell your neighbor for a description and go to the police duh :P

ydi for letting your neighbor have access to your apartment...

That was a stupid thing to say... who will feed the pets, water the plants etc.?

Don't worry I picked up after myself for the most part, you should change your sheets though... Oh ya, your shampoo sucks, you should try a different brand.