By justpeachy - 08/03/2010 20:27 - United States

Today, I was invited by my boyfriend's parents for dinner at their house. The dinner went well I thought, until I was getting ready to leave. Before I could make it out the front door, I could hear them discussing their disappointment that their son would ever consider someone like me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 533
You deserved it 2 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's rude as hell. assuming u didn't do anything "wrong"...but even still, that's really shitty.

Pricks! It's not their decision though, so don't worry about them.


Aw, I am sorry OP, I agreed with everyone, that was very rude. I hope things will work out for ya'll.

That really sucks. As much as people here are saying 'lol *** them they dunt mater', if you end up staying with this guy, it DOES matter. Long-term, committed relationships are a lot harder on someone if your significant other's family doesn't like you (assuming your S.O. is close to their family. If not, then it really doesn't matter -too- much.) Ask your boyfriend what his parents said they didn't like about you, and if it's something petty like what you were wearing or how you were acting, wear different things or act the way they like when you are around them. Not too difficult to put up at least a little bit of a front to get along. Good luck, and FYL.

wow u would march back into that room and be like ya I don't like u either bur I wasn't gana be rude and say anything about it, the I would leave!

Wow that was really rude. I would've walked back in and said "You know I haven't left and can still hear you, right?". I really hope your boyfriend stuck up for you and that he goes by what he thinks of you and not what his parents think. And to the people who think a girl will never be good enough for their parents son: My fiance's parents love me. They always tell me how they're so glad he met me because I've helped him get out of a lot of sh*t he was in. My mom also loves him as a son(I don't talk to my dad, because he's so abusive). The point is, MOST OF THE TIME the person somebody's child dates isn't good enough, but in some cases, their parents DO like you. Good luck OP!

nessalujin 0

That's really messed up. If they were gonna talk about you they shouldve done it when you left. That would've sucked. I'm sorry.

ugh that's so rude at least ur boyfriend is ignoring them... but he should stick up for u

stechly21 0

that's awful! I'm really sorry to hear that

oh damnnnnnnn tht must hurt! D:< darn assholes they should look in the mirror first!

trumpetGIRL12345 0

OP if his parents are making desions for him then maybe you don't want him but if they just don't like you and he LOVES you then they should shut up about y'all and your LOVE

Katy_loves_you 0

How rude ! f your boyfriends life for having such miserable parents .

hemminkm 0

Oh well. As long as he loves you, thats all that matters. Don't let they're judgement get you down, they're prolly dealing with a bunch of shit themselves