By juvenile friends suck - 10/01/2013 20:52 - Germany - Tangstedt

By juvenile friends suck - 10/01/2013 20:52 - Germany - Tangstedt
By Jac - 17/01/2010 19:59 - United States
By embareassed - 20/01/2010 05:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/01/2011 08:42 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/06/2024 20:00 - Canada
By what - 26/11/2010 19:17 - United States
By twitch01 - 09/08/2009 07:31 - United States
By Ella - 21/01/2009 17:56 - United States
By CooBerry3851 - 28/08/2011 08:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/08/2009 19:28 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/01/2017 16:00
Thanks, it would've gone way over my head otherwise. /justkidding
Sad thing is...some people can say that without sarcasm. O.o
where exactly do you live?
95 - Yeah, we're kinda stereotyped. ... Okay, we're REALLY stereotyped...
What are you talking about 100? You live in that one place.
Ask and ye shall recieve...
Challenge accepted!
44 - Oh, my. You're so wildly clever and witty! Just kidding. Reverse-FMLs are flat out ******* stupid in my opinion.
Don't challenge his dress wearing integrity!
And then helicoptering it?
Don't think I didn't see past your disguise, troll! You might fool the others but not me! Muahaha.
27- The proper way is to do it in a public place while holding a butcher knife
Uncommon sight? Do you live in San Francisco?
Germany. Learn to read, lol!
Learn to take a joke! Lol
11: I'm using the new FML app on iPhone, and it doesn't say where OP is from...
43, yes, exactly.
You think that's bad? Try walking in on your dad wearing a prom dress stuffed with grapefruits! And for those of you who'll thumb this down for not getting the reference, Woah, just calm down, man!
You meant to say "woah, just take it easy man!"
Drake & josh reference?
Your profile pic is awesome.
I would hope that most people know what a kilt is, so I'm kinda led to believe that it was an actual dress.
Kilts may be mostly associated with Scotland, but the kilt actually did originate in Germany so, it may be that OP is not familiar with kilts and neither is their friend and they live near a group of German guys who enjoy wearing their kilts
@69 If I saw someone wearing a kilt and didn't know it was a kilt, I'd be more inclined to call it a skirt. Kilts aren't shoulder to knee from what I'm familiar with.
the first kilts, the ones that originated in Germany, are different from modern kilts which the Scots adapted to being the skirt you are thinking of. the First ones were actually longer and had a part you could tuck under up into the skirt part, kilt is actually derived from the nordic word for tucking up under or something along those lines, and it could be untucked and would be worn over the torso as a tunic for the winter so it was all year round, any weather wear. The more you know.
I would punch my friends face in, FYL, that was probably one of he worse sights of your life...
Isn't that a little overkill?
Woah, who knew men walked around in dresses with no underwear Germany?
Ya I would think OP is talking about a kilt more than a dress.
Men in Germany don't wear kilts.
I didn't! .....and I am German :)
21 - OP specifically said dress.
Men wearing dresses just shouldn't happen, ever Without undergarments however... /: Location should not play a role!
83- why? some men enjoy wearing dresses, be it that they are trans, drag, or just like the feel of them and are completely hetero or whatever sexuality. they are free to not wear undergarments as well, your not seeing that part (usually, with obvious exceptions). Showing you that they have no undergarments on without any provoking action on your part is not okay though. I don't get why you are being so close minded to men dressing however they feel comfortable.
where exactly do you live?
Ask and ye shall recieve...