By embareassed - 20/01/2010 05:27 - United States

Today, I was riding my dorm elevator from the 5th floor to the 1st by myself. Since the elevator is really slow, I pulled my pants and underwear down just for kicks. Just then, the door opened to let a girl on at the 4th floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 693
You deserved it 85 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

startafire 0

Why the hell would you do that? Pervert. Besides, a lot of elevators have cameras too.

Why would you want to pull your pants and underwear down anyway?


startafire 0

Why the hell would you do that? Pervert. Besides, a lot of elevators have cameras too.

He was caught with his pants down. And it's a dorm elevator, so likely cameras on the outside to avoid security having to sit through a ridiculous amounts of kids making out on the way to their rooms.

Depends on the school. I know my college has cameras inside the dorm elevators cause apparently it was a cool thing to pee in the corner of the elevator while drunk idk...people are crazy

MiGman 5

yeah the making out part makes sense dude. but the pissing, really you have to be completely shit faced

lookin like a fool with yo pants on da ground

lookin like a fool with yo pants on da ground

Maybe op was trying to pee in the corner... That would explain why his pants were down. But no matter what the reason, op you definitely deserve it!

Why would you want to pull your pants and underwear down anyway?

xmagster 0

obviously, just for kicks.... I don't know about... the rest of the world, but never have I EVER had the urge to pull down my pants in an elevator just for fun. I wonder what I've been missing out on that makes this so appealing? YDI.

No. Just no. I am so sick of these fake FMLs. NO ONE in their right mind would do this. If you don't have an FML to post, don't post shit like this just to get attention. I don't care if this post gets -100 thumbs, just stop all of the whining for attention.

F HER life. Also, what you did is not normal even if you weren't caught. You need professional assistance. YDI.

Agreed. He clearly has tourettes of the body. This is not normal.

What do you mean it's not normal? He's in college. If I had a dollar for every thoughtless college kid, I'd make a movie about them just to prove it isn't as abnormal as you think it is.

emsrobot 16
lickmyjock 0

lol were you drunk? I moderated this by the way.

Haha. WAS there a camera in that elevator? Sounds like something I would've laughed about.

YDI, you total creepo, I hope there were cameras and you get kicked out of your dorm for it. Today as I was getting on the elevator at my dorm there was a kid with his pants and underwear around his knees, FML.

I dont think you are making any sense, OP.