By ThePopeMan - 17/03/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend when she started moaning and breathing heavily. I thought she was getting hot and was about to cum. Unfortunetly, she soon said, "I'm bored, let's play a board game." She was sighing, not moaning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 143
You deserved it 23 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dg72592_fml 0

"lets play a board game"...? time for a new girlfriend.

try eating her out or fingering her before sex next time..? most girls can't get off just by vaginal stimulation alone. that was still pretty bitchy of her...


liveitlearnit 0

Wow, what a bitch. I understand if she's not feeling pleasure... but she easily could have gave you some tips, or told you she just didn't feel up to it. Acting like that is so rude.

baller_9 0

wow, you must really suck in bed. get some more practice and hopefully that doesnt happen to you again

Wow, that's really bitchy. I mean, even if I was having bad sex I would fake it. Not say LETS PLAY A BOARD GAME. Thats just rude..... way to crush your bf's self confidence, bitch. -.-

EffYourLyf 0

well, that's because you're the typical guy who just sticks it in and jizzes.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha you suck in bed either that or your girlfriend just doesn't have much of a sex-drive :/

Faking it is a horrible thing to do. It just makes the situation worse for both parties because he'll keep doing the wrong thing for her thinking it's right and she'll have to keep perpetuating the lie. I've never faked but I'm not beyond telling a guy that something isn't quite working for me anymore. He could be horrible, or she could've been out to hurt him, who knows? There could be so many scenarios and history that lead up to such an abrupt situation so I'm not going to judge either party in this one. I must say though that from these comments, a good amount of you due to your lack of sexual knowledge SHOULD NOT be giving advice, especially if you didn't even think a woman could have an ******. Seriously?

green_199 0

learn how to screw chicks, well. you don't want to suck dick at ******* pussy. if she's that mean about it she will end up cheating on you, if she isn't already. and find a new gf.