By figures - 16/11/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I got a card from the jewelry store thanking me for purchasing an engagement ring a year ago and wishing me and my fiancée a long and everlasting marriage. Too bad my fiancée took off with the pizza delivery boy 6 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 756
You deserved it 2 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She'll come crawling back once she realizes that she chose a guy who makes minimum wage and obviously doesn't care for the sanctity of other people's relationships and cheats on her with four other women. And you'll have the honor of spitting in her face.


Reasons he deserves it please, and no speculation, just based on what you can read there.

Well..."reasons"...she ran off with a "boy". Hence, he either sucked ass in bed or his wife was a *****. Either way, their "everlasting" marriage would not have worked out.

lol pizza delivery boy? sounds like a bad porno

UncleMuscles 5

No, he should've done DiGiorno's (or however you spell that)

teebonehead 0

Wow ! She aimed high your better off without her.

She'll come crawling back once she realizes that she chose a guy who makes minimum wage and obviously doesn't care for the sanctity of other people's relationships and cheats on her with four other women. And you'll have the honor of spitting in her face.

FYL OP. Obviously you need to smack that bitch up. Hopefully it'll turn out in the end. Funny anecdote that you may enjoy was a similar FML to a friend of mine. He girlfriend cheated on him with the dishwasher from school (some high school kid) and left him. Well after the normal break-up depression time he bought a new car (Range Rover) and got a younger, hotter girlfriend. He said it was funny when he pulled up next to her at a stop light and here she is in a white rusted out junk car (with her dishwasher boyfriend) and he's in a Range Rover with his new hot girlfriend. Needless to say she sunk down as far into the seat as should could and it wasn't much longer (another month) before she was calling him up pleading for him to take her back. He was in seventh heaven. So keep your head up and hopefully you can post back here when your retarded ex smartens up.

Please, who says the pizza delivery boy isn't a step up? And you don't exactly sound like a catch yourself.

@kxs401 How the f*ck did you get "I'm not a catch" out of an anecdotal story about a friend? Seriously you need to learn to read my friend. Plus if I'm not a catch, why at 27 years old do I own my own home, have a girlfriend (for seven years), a steady job and friends? Yep I guess any woman in their right mind would run the opposite way. Hell if I had a picture I'd post that shit so when you come back with "well you're probably ugly" you could eat your trolling words, idiot. Any anyone that is a pizza delivery boy is 1) in high school 2) really needs a job and 3) not making more than minimum wage. Unless OP is a lazy mofo who doesn't have a job and sits on his ass all day long, I'm pretty sure that pizza delivery boy isn't a step up (unless the pizza boy is telling the OPs fiancee that he's in "medical school").

Your "girlfriend (for seven years)" explains it all.

Intoxicunt, I love you. You are amazing.

my guy delivers pizza. he makes 13 an hour. around a thousand every two weeks.

Don't worry, she'll come crawling back soon. The "Delivery in Thirty Minutes or Less" slogan doesn't apply to just the pizza.

The amount of time implied by "30 minutes or less" is often enough for a very passionate sexual experience.

I live on 123 RedBlueGreen Street. Wear the uniform. (;

avfcfan89 0

that really stinks. hope you get to rubb it in her face one day.

what is it with all those women running off with delivery/service guys? Don't they realize they have the shittiest jobs with the shittiest payments ever? FYL man, FYL

Nomad and redbluegreen, I'm with you both on your statements. Redbluegreen, your's made me laugh. xD

baseballlover777 0

the pizza guy gets all the action!!!