By Anonymous - 09/08/2019 16:00

Today, I moved back into my room, which I'd sublet for a few months. The subtenant never paid any rent and is gone, but she did leave me something: my own underwear on the floor, which she apparently liked to wear, but didn't seem to like to wash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 583
You deserved it 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why were your clothes left at the apartment anyway? You should have taken all personal possessions with you when you subleased.

Don’t you now owe your landlord a shit-ton of money? The cost of getting your place decontaminated by people in hazmat suits removing your shit-stained panties will be steep, too. FYL, indeed.


Why were your clothes left at the apartment anyway? You should have taken all personal possessions with you when you subleased.

Lacking any other upside - you should probably regard it a compliment to your taste in underwear.

Don’t you now owe your landlord a shit-ton of money? The cost of getting your place decontaminated by people in hazmat suits removing your shit-stained panties will be steep, too. FYL, indeed.

Peaches1914 13

Why was your clothes packed in storage?