By pride? what's that? :( - 01/09/2012 00:23 - Belgium - Leuven

Today, I was feeling depressed and got very, very drunk. This evening, I was feeling equally desperate, and ended up having to get my special dildo removed from my asshole at the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 800
You deserved it 40 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was the doctor atleast anal about the proceure? All pieces removed?

I'm not even thinking about the hospital trip. I'm trying to figure out how the ride there went.


Damn, you are gorgeous girl! Just sayin lol

jayfreeman 0

Perhaps next time you decide to get intimate with your "special *****" it would be best if you don't drink first. Hope you at least had a great ****** and that the Dr gave your special ***** back unharmed. YDI

****** were definitely not made with just women in mind! Definitely, definitely not. Take a trip down to your local sex store if you don't believe me. There are some things there that even the most adventurous of women will not venture to. Also, the men's section is a dead giveaway..

Could be worse. Two girls one cup anyone? One man one jar? Op could have probably just had a squat and give a good heave ho. Fire it right out.

I would say "Doesn't matter, had sex", but the context and the ignorance involved would both make me throw myself into the nearest oncoming train.

The ***** said, "Hold your breath, I'm going in dry." And never came out.

So, did the ***** go as far as the hospital bill did?

celine21_fml 0

Yeah unless insurance covers ****** going up peoples asses

I once had a patient who use the bristle-end of a toothbrush. Up his junk in the front. Yeah. Your story sounds less painful, but equally as...difficult. Ahem. Hope your butt is okay.

How would you even get anything in there?? That's a painful thought