
By anonymous - 25/10/2011 01:33 - United States

Today, I was so bored at my job as a receptionist that I actually got excited when the phone rang. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 313
You deserved it 3 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you get excited about that, I wonder what happens when you have to do paperwork.

arcticdoctorwho 0

I hate when the phone rings at work, it wakes me up.


lulututu 4
ImFrackinBored 13

Theres been a couple of FMLs about how bad being a receptionist sucks lately...

I work overnight at a Walmart and I do this. I love when it's a prank caller because I'll mess with them right back. And if I can get them to hang up on me instead of vice versa, I like to think I win :)

enonymous 8

Yes, sitting tagging all your non existent friends on Facebook, asking random people to be your friend and help you grow your FarmVille all while getting paid is a very strenuous job.

When i was a receptionist I would make fake memos from employees and give them to other employees creating so much confusion that it would cause people to go insane. One person was found and arrested for public defecation.

On the bright side, you're being paid to do nothing, and you're not stressed out so bad you're carrying your job home with you like alot of people I know! Sometimes you're probably getting paid to read a book, play on the internet or phone, texting and much more! If you want a receptionist job that will make you go insane with the business and craziness, be a receptionist for a family physician! You'll work yourself stupid and probably end up hating people. :)

EnEl_Infierno 15

How can you get bored at work, when you can be reading fmls all day. ;) I wish I had that kind of time at my job.

32- I would seriously rather be stressed out at work than be bored, hands down. I've worked a boring uneventful job before, and trust me, it's a living nightmare.

KronikSplakkn 4

It would be great if the person dialed the wrong number.

dont u love getting to sit around all day i wouldnt mind being a resptionist

I get so excited no matter who I talk to. That's why I love being a cashier ^^

Yehh, cashiering is quite interesting. I cashier at a Goodwill (thrift store) and its very easy to make conversation over their items because the stuff there is so random. Generally they're down-to-earth people too because it's a thrift store.

If you get excited about that, I wonder what happens when you have to do paperwork.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Then what happens when she has an ******?

I think it would be pretty similar to the double rainbow guy's reaction.

I wonder what happens if s/he gets asked out

don't receptionists do anything else other than pick up calls? I thought they had side tasks to do too...

Of course they do! Receptionists are charged with many other task, like minesweeper and solitaire.

fthislyfe 22
ikickgingers 15

The receptionist in my office is actually an administrative assistant. She does Everything.... Here in the US we rape our employees for blood, sweat, and tears.. Sooooo Unless OP is temping or working for a five man operation... Not very realistic... Or op has no initiative ... And will probably get canned anyway.

Seriously!?! This isn't an FML you tard... How exciting did you think a receptionist job was going to be?

RA661 8
ellybelly_502 4

Exactly, at least she is getting paid and HAS a job in this economy!

How does this post make it this far. What a joke