By anonymous - 20/08/2009 06:22 - United States

Today, I was eating with a friend while walking on the sidewalk. A couple of pigeons were bothering us so I threw a fry onto the street. As a flock of pigeons were gathering around the fry, a truck drove by. Only four survived. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 522
You deserved it 49 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

a truck? on the street? what are the chances?! it's not your fault, you couldn't possibly have known.

Best FML ever. Now hunt down the survivors! YDI for awesomeness, coz your life totally doesn't suck.


not really sure why people post stories like this. this is sortnof everyday shit that happens to everyone. it's not an fml it's a hatt (happens all the time). i'm tired of all these boring stories that aren't fml quality

Dude, if its an FML to the poster, its an FML. I would personally feel pretty damn guilty if I accidentally killed a bunch of birds that I was just trying to feed. You want morbidity and tragedy, go somewhere else. This place is supposed to be EVERYDAY life stories. Chill.

HAHAHA, what the hell's FML quality? Since when did you decide what situations F people's lives? It's not like you're paying to read these damn things, so just enjoy the ones that are 'FML quality' and don't waste your time bitching about the ones that aren't. But IMO, this is 'FML quality'. I don't know what kind of place you live, where trucks driving over flocks of pigeons happens to everyone on a daily basis.

lol PETA retards can't hit the "reply" button, it kills muskrats.

That's probably because #30 is already a reply on top of a whole string of replies, if he had clicked the reply button it would have gone under the whole list and he's have to write 'to #30' anyways, smartass.

HAHAHHAHAA it is neither FYL nor YDI. it is ******* awesome.

YDI for feeling bad about a bunch of pests with wings getting run over by a truck

joemama13 0

i wish there was a species even higher up the food chain than humans who threw quarters in the street and watch their vehicles plow into the crowd of unsuspecting humans chasing after some change...that would be SO goddam funny. no, wait, actually, that wouldn't be funny...and neither is this.

Lolbrittany 0

No one runs into oncoming traffic in the middle of a street for a quarter, except hobos and if they DO get hit they deserve it for being homeless. :U

wookiewookieMAn 0

birds risk their lives by diving into streets to continue on living. a large portion of humans risk their lives, and those around them, by smoking so they can feel cool/relaxed. Who is the bigger idiot?

Sprinter136 2

Why does someone deserve to be homeless? Just because they're homeless doesn't mean they're a lazy asshole that won't work. Yes, that's the case sometimes, and they DO deserve it. But sometimes elderly people, mentally ill people or veterans are put out of nursing homes/institutions due to them closing down or some other issue beyond their control. And they can't work to get a new home because they're too old, weak, or just unable. And nobody will help them because society is a bunch of assholes. As I have clearly seen on this post.