By fencernick - 22/04/2009 10:40 - United States

Today, I was eating a hamburger on the street when a pigeon came down to take a bite. I ran and got 30 birds or so chasing me. My legs were burning, half of my burger was gone, and an entire office building was laughing at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 725
You deserved it 9 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Legs were burning? Maybe you should try eating less hamburgers....

The bird had already taken a bite of it and yet you still ran with it? Were you planning on eating it still? YDI if so...


Haha, reminds me of the gulls near the New Orleans Aquarium. They're vicious!

a bunch of crows are called a "murder" so if they were crows atleast you could tell people a murderer was after you then it'll be a better story

Legs were burning? Maybe you should try eating less hamburgers....

That happened to me once but the birds were after my sushi, not my burger. And instead of having the entire office building laughing at me, I had the entire park laughing at me. F Our Lives

Seriously, maybe the pigeons were just trying to get you to exercise fatty. Vegetarian win!

**** your Life... But who will not laugh at such a funny situation huh?... cant blame the office workers

Hahahaha I would've been laughing with them, only because this is the kind of thing that would happen to me.

The bird had already taken a bite of it and yet you still ran with it? Were you planning on eating it still? YDI if so...