Surprise strike

By Anonymous - 28/06/2020 20:02

Today, as I was walking home with dinner, a pigeon pooped on my leg like a dive bomb. My hands were full carrying the food, so I had to walk the rest of the way with a smear on my jeans that everyone knew what it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 364
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Win 9

That’s unfortunate, and it probably felt disgusting. :/ Although everyone has been pooped on by a bird at least once so common courtesy would be to not judge you for it.

BigSissy 14

Where is Richard when you need him?


Win 9

That’s unfortunate, and it probably felt disgusting. :/ Although everyone has been pooped on by a bird at least once so common courtesy would be to not judge you for it.

bloopaloop 27

Shitty situation, anyone??? I’m waiting for it.

BigSissy 14

Where is Richard when you need him?

And you couldn't put the food down to deal with the poop because..?

Technically dive bombing is when a plane is flying downward towards a target so that the bomb travels more vertically than horizontally (easier to aim that way in the pre guided bomb era). So unless the bird was flying downwards at you it’s not dive bombing. If the bird was flying level it’s horizontal bombing and if the bird was flying upwards it’s technically toss bombing which increases the horizontal travel of the payload after release but is more difficult to aim properly.

Taylor Caldwell 10

Are you worried people think you asked the pigeon to shit on you? In all likeliness people would have felt bad for you knowing it sucks and wasn’t your fault you got pooped on.

randybryant799 20

Whose everyone? And how did they know?