By NoMeatFail - 27/02/2011 00:59 - Canada

Today, I was eating Campbell's vegetable soup. Halfway through, I started to read the ingredients and found beef broth. I have been a vegetarian for seven years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 932
You deserved it 55 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry darling, but you ARE supposed to read the ingredients before you buy it. It's no different than if you were allergic to something. ALWAYS read the ingredients if you choose not to eat certain things or cannot, for the sake of your health.

austo97 0

most vegetarians look at the ingredients before eating the food...


but animals are below us that is why they are here

How is this a FML. I mean honestly all you had was beef broth when your vegetarian. It's not the end of the world.

LawlPWND 0

So many people arguing with incorrect information!

you think animals are there just for us to eat them? Animals actually came before humans and many animals could eat us if they wanted to but they are too sweet to do that

Wow, the naïveté is adorable. With a few exceptions, the main reason anything that could eat us doesn't is because we've done a damn good job ensuring they can't. But, if you wanna test that theory, we could give you nice bloody cut and toss you in a shark tank. If sharks aren't your thing, just pick your favourite non-domesticated non-tamed animal (since we domesticated/tamed them, you can credit their not eating us to our mastery over them) and we'll see how sweet they are when they get hungry. Of course, there's the entire issue of "animals actually came before humans". "Animals" is actually a vague thing to say (humans are also of the kingdom Animalia, after all), but cows as we know them actually evolved after (and helped by) humans, and cattle in general evolved around the same time that the **** started, so if you want to pull "animals actually came before humans" as a reason not to eat them, it follows that cows are okay. And they're not exactly the only such animal, either....

celticmarine2005 2

Domesticated animals will eat you too. The domesticated house cat will eat its owner should the person become incapacitated and the cat gets hungry. I'm pretty sure that should a dog starve or eat his incapacitated owner, he would eat his owner.

maronofhearts 19

You forget the whole people taste like crap part thats why they dont eat us sharks would rather eat metal than humans most wild animals also find human scent to be gross as well if an animal kills you its usually not to eat you its because you pissed it off Bees will chase you, bears will maul you if you enter their territory, wolves will hunt you just because they eat anything they can get most of the time since they have to share with the pack

animals aren't 'too sweet' to eat us....if they needed to for sustenance then they certainly would, and some of them do. Circle of life. That said, people can do and eat whatever suits them and i really couldn't care, but please don't act like we're barbarians for eating meat and animals are sweet and loving, while we just go all om nom nom on them. They eat each other for sustemamce, we eat them for sustenance *shrugs* the world keeps on spinning.....

YDI for not reading the ingredients beforehand... if it doesn't say it's "suitable for vegetarians", chances are it isn't.

vegan or vegetarian I don't really care. you're all a bunch of PETA loving tree hugging idiots. you've never had a filet mignoin and shrimp from the hibachi. that's just absurd

Exactly this. You can't just skip a steak and then call yourself a vegetarian. Things that are a principled lifestyle choice require doing a little bit of homework, especially in the US or UK where the additives are almost specifically worded to deceive. It's somewhat different here in Germany, because the food purity and labelling laws actually mean something. Natural rennet in cheese is a biggie, as well as gelatine in tons of processed foods. If you're vegan there's milk in practically everything. While we're at it, cochineal red food colouring is made from bugs. The type of vegetarian that wears leather shoes and has a leather handbag gets on my nerves too, because the ignorant ones are usually the most vocal. I have no problem with vegetarians, but I believe if you claim you're doing something as a philosophical principle, you should have the common sense to take the most basic steps to get it right. P.S.: Chicken and fish aren't vegetables. If you don't like red meat, just say so - don't call yourself vegetarian.

usnwife 18

just a wild guess, but I highly doubt that's the first "meat" you've had in 7 yrs. if you never read labels you've most likely had quite a bit! so don't feel bad about the soup :)

Hey guys, guess what, I hunt my own animals! Yaaaaay for 'Vegetarian/Vegan Hates Club' ! Veggies are completely **** idiots, who have absolutely no reason to be so. Unless they dislike meat. But then they shouldn't call themselves veggies anyway. So degrading. Vegans are worse. I know many veggies and vegans. They're all bastards who need a good kicking. Hope all the food they eat has meat in. Haha. Till one of you gives me a reason for your so called ethical vegetarianism/veganism, you haven't a right to down arrow me with your pathetic excuses..

I ate horse the other day. I'm not even joking. I imagine you'd support that 100% too while you're going off at people that might have a moral or philosophical issue with eating animals?