By soupduped - 06/12/2009 03:37 - United States

Today, I opened up a can of tomato soup I'd taken from my parents' house recently. After eating the whole can, I started feeling a little off, so I checked the expiration date. It expired 12 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 841
You deserved it 38 360

Same thing different taste

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Oh damn. Didn't it have a smell of some sort?

Dude...the FIRST thing I check with canned food from anywhere is the expiration date. YDI for assuming everything in your parents' house is edible. We have canned/boxed food in this house from 10 years ago that my boyfriends' mom won't throw away cause "it's a waste of food", yet she won't eat it herself.


Oh damn. Didn't it have a smell of some sort?

Its obviously fake, first of all the can should look so old as in the paper picture that you would automatically check, and thats if your parents would actually keep a damned 12 year old can of soup. LIAR

not's really easy to let things like soup sit in cupboards for ages. i just found vitamins in mine that had expired in 2004....but note, i didn't take any, having seen that they are older than most kindergarteners.

bittersweets 2

I recently found something in my mother's fridge which expired 1993... obviously some parents keep food that long :/

startafire 0

My parents keep stuff that old. :p

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yes it would have and if she didn't notice it was expired after all, what kind of soup was that that it looked normal to have such a stench and mold on it?

actually...I ate old food once...there was no mold nor was there a horrid stench it looked perfectly normal. I had food poisoning for 3 days...

missanthrax 0

It wouldn't have mold. It's vacuum sealed.

We have a whole cupboard full of canned food. Because it's CANNED. It lasts for ages. We're overdue for a big earthquake, everyone here is supposed to have canned food and bottled water stashed somewhere just in case.

brianr09 0

if its vacuum sealed then it wouldnt go bad... think about your comments before you post please...

it was in a can, which is air tight. mold can't get into that

My parents moved house recently, and I helped by sorting through the pantry's contents. In Melbourne, we have eight-digit phone numbers. In the pantry was a bottle so old, the company's number had only six digits. And I know all through the 80s they were seven digits, because I still remember my childhood phone numbers. So yeah, it IS possible to have stuff that old.

As for a can of soup looking twelve years old, it depends on the brand. Some here don't change their labels for many years, and home brands are often just labelled with words alone. As has been said, it couldn't go mouldy in a can, but that doesn't mean that it wouldn't have simply aged and deteriorated. OP didn't describe a drastic reaction, so it seems plausible to me.

Dude...the FIRST thing I check with canned food from anywhere is the expiration date. YDI for assuming everything in your parents' house is edible. We have canned/boxed food in this house from 10 years ago that my boyfriends' mom won't throw away cause "it's a waste of food", yet she won't eat it herself.

Reyo 2

Nothing is a waste of food. Everything that is food like will remain food like to at least one type of lifeform, even Bacteria. The Earth is surprisingly efficient when it comes to organic waste.

A little hard to explain to a very traditional woman who speaks only spanish. 8 She'd rather poison us than throw bad food away. We have to make sure everything she makes us isn't going to kill us. I already had food poisoning once and I never want it again, thank you much!

WTF, Luckster, are you dating my boyfriend? Nah, just kidding, but my other mommy is a packrat too, especially with food. But all the food I eat at her house is lovely. It's more that it sits around that actually gets used.

You should be proud of your parents; feel special. It's a rare household indeed that will keep expired goods for 12 years, but not let them get visibly dusty enough for you to realize that it might be old.

glorbnakcs 0

Well, you kind of deserved that for not checking the expiration date before eating the soup. On the other hand, FYL for having parents that keep expired crap for over a decade. Also, wouldn't the soup have looked funny if it expired 12 years ago?

fmylifeiscoool 0

Why did you chose to tomato soup?

Well, you honestly deserve it for checking the date AFTER you finished the entire can – especially when it’s out of someone else’s cupboard. But seriously, didn’t you notice a certain funny or odd look/smell/taste while you eating? ~*~PeachySweetS

Yeah, EVERYONE reads the experation date on everything before they eat it........... FYL OP.