By NoMeatFail - 27/02/2011 00:59 - Canada

Today, I was eating Campbell's vegetable soup. Halfway through, I started to read the ingredients and found beef broth. I have been a vegetarian for seven years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 932
You deserved it 55 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry darling, but you ARE supposed to read the ingredients before you buy it. It's no different than if you were allergic to something. ALWAYS read the ingredients if you choose not to eat certain things or cannot, for the sake of your health.

austo97 0

most vegetarians look at the ingredients before eating the food...


CovertMilitance 0
sleepyhungry93 0

its not real beef. its flavoring.

u think she knows the fries from almost any fast food or in school are pretty much grilled with beef

stewpididiot 11

DOUBLE WIN for 100 !!! Comment AND pic !!!

sofiainthesun 5

I'm a vegetarian too I always have to read the ingredients first, it usually say on the can not vegetarian.

monnanon 13

Calm down OP broth is made by boiling animal bones but that animal is already dead for another purpose. You should be happy that the animal did not go to waste after its death and every part of it was used. I know as a veggie you would rther it didn't die at all but a lot of people do eat meat. Just be more careful next

I'm a vegetarian too! and if something is labeled as "vegetarian", it should already not have any meat products!!!!!!!!

Personally I find the whole vegetarian/vegan pointless and a tad stupid. Do you not freaking realize that humans are SUPPOSED to be omnivores (meat and veg eaters) to stay healthy and function properly?? Also being a vegetarian or vegan is going to do shit all for the animals. So what if you don't eat meat or animal byproducts? They're still gonna chop up Betsy and grind her into burger patties

YDI for not checking. There's all kinda of shit put into food these days.