By NoMeatFail - 27/02/2011 00:59 - Canada

Today, I was eating Campbell's vegetable soup. Halfway through, I started to read the ingredients and found beef broth. I have been a vegetarian for seven years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 932
You deserved it 55 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry darling, but you ARE supposed to read the ingredients before you buy it. It's no different than if you were allergic to something. ALWAYS read the ingredients if you choose not to eat certain things or cannot, for the sake of your health.

austo97 0

most vegetarians look at the ingredients before eating the food...


Seriously? You spent all that time copying my comment word for word and changing just those words. You seriously have no life :)

I spent all of 10 seconds at 4am during the weekend. You can't really extrapolate my havealifeitude from that. Now, if I spent from midnight Friday till midnight Saturday doing that you might have a case, but I can assure you I won't be around to do any such thing :)

its okyour a vegetarian your opinion doesn't matter anyway.

Oh my bleeding eyes. The comments on vegetarian FMLs are so annoying they make me want to self-perform a frontal lobotomy with a brick.

That's supposed to read "1-800-4-A-CHILD or child services". No clue where that ran off to.

Well your carnivorous opinion doesn't matter either :O

Duh! two things open your eyes,it says right on the front.....or buy campbells vegetarian vegetable soup

ToxixShots 0


Oh please, go **** yourself, you stupid troll.