By NoMeatFail - 27/02/2011 00:59 - Canada

Today, I was eating Campbell's vegetable soup. Halfway through, I started to read the ingredients and found beef broth. I have been a vegetarian for seven years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 932
You deserved it 55 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry darling, but you ARE supposed to read the ingredients before you buy it. It's no different than if you were allergic to something. ALWAYS read the ingredients if you choose not to eat certain things or cannot, for the sake of your health.

austo97 0

most vegetarians look at the ingredients before eating the food...


Might want to read up on where gelatin comes from while you're working on reading comprehension.

That's why I always read the ingredients

vegans are a bunch of tree-hugging *******

Rick_S 3

YDI. Not because you are a vegetarian, but because you have dietary concerns and didn't bother to read the label first. Any time you have to be careful about what you eat, you have to be careful BEFORE you eat it. You don't get to complain that you ate beef broth with your vegetable soup when you didn't check to see first. Now, if the can said VEGETARIAN vegetable soup, and then you found out that they put beef broth in without putting it on the label, then you could be upset.

Why are all omnivores/carnivores here trying to get the vegans/vegetarians to switch? I don't care, more meat for me!

celticmarine2005 2

Im willing to bet that there are no carnivores on this site. I don't know a single human being who only eats meat. Even the most avid meat eating person eats some sort of fruit, vegetable, grain, or dairy product. Humans are omnivores.

FFS eat meat!! I eat more meat then anyone else, and I ******* love it. anyway, one day there'll be natural selection, and all veggies will be weaklings because they are no hunters, and lack the fresh meat in their bodies! they'll all end up dead and we'll start building houses with meat and build a meat-o-cracy!

monnanon 13

Meat doesn't make you stronger than any other food does. It really doesn't matter what you eat as long as you are careful and healthy with it i.e not too much of any one thing then you are fine. I think your future is a bit flawed, what you will find is the people who eat more meat than anything else will be really sluggish because meat is heavy in your stomach and quite hard to digest. if you don't beleive me then tell me, do you feel more energetic after something like a salad or a big steak?

Campbell's actually have a soup called "vegetarian vegetable". so YDI for being careless.

skyeyez9 24

Meat is not bad. And snowcrab legs.  yummm

ok I understand everyone and what they are saying. I think debates like these are great! first of all I feel sorry for the op but you really should read the label and try Amy's soups, there all organic and vegetarian!:) I should know, I am one myself. now all of u Hating on vegans/veggies let me just tell you that one person can make a big difference! at my camp (partially because of me) many,a lot of people became vegans or vegetarians so the camp started cooking only organic and fresh meat and also they cook a lot less meat and a lot more vegan dishes! so one person can make a big difference!!!! I understand that you all love meat and think it's very healthy and just can't live without it but your wrong! many animals have been fed hormones that can cause very bad cancers. same with the factory they are in, all the packages have dangerous chemicals in the plastic that your meat is wrapped in. and meat slaughterhouses contribute to about 60% of global warming!!! you know being a vegetarian is actually healthier if you eat right and use meat replacements like tofu or quinoa! also most vegetarians buy there eggs and milk at organic markets. truthfully at first I became a veggie because I didn't like the thought of eating animals or anything that was alive (don't be stupid I don't mean vegetables) but now I understand that there are many other reasons not to eat meat. so if you don't eat meat good for you! I love all my veggies out there