By NoMeatFail - 27/02/2011 00:59 - Canada

Today, I was eating Campbell's vegetable soup. Halfway through, I started to read the ingredients and found beef broth. I have been a vegetarian for seven years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 932
You deserved it 55 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry darling, but you ARE supposed to read the ingredients before you buy it. It's no different than if you were allergic to something. ALWAYS read the ingredients if you choose not to eat certain things or cannot, for the sake of your health.

austo97 0

most vegetarians look at the ingredients before eating the food...


ThickHead 0

it's cambells they always do that there's chicken bits in there too! always read the ingredients first!

ManaUser 0

WOW, vegetarians really bring the trolls out, don't they?

Well, so much for being a vegetarian...

you kinda deserved it for wanting to be vegetarian, but not even look to see what your eating

MuchDance90s 0

you suck at your convictions if somethings that important to a person, they read before they eat As someone else said, treat it as you would am allergy

u totally deserved it for being vegitarian. humans r sopposed to eat meat why do u think god put it on earth

deerhunter86 0

Oh cry a ******* river. I hope you get eaten by an animal, serves you right you bleeding heart liberal hippy fag.

wow. just wow. always always always read ingredients before you buy or eat anything if you're on a 'special' diet (like vegitatian, lactose-free or gluten-free). sorry to say but you had it coming. I mean what did you think it was? water?

When you become a veggie, you lose the right to complain about flavor. And if you really want to lord that kind of pickiness over people, read the damn labels.

cajekraze 7

See, meat makes everything better