By Anonymous - 08/08/2012 05:59 - United States

Today, I was driving down a dark country road with the windows down. Suddenly, a giant barn owl flew through my side-window and smacked into my head, causing me to drive into a ditch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 188
You deserved it 2 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Owls have better eyesight than humans when it's dark. Maybe it was saving you from something out there :)


Did you pick up something from this FML that eluded me? If so, what past act that OP did that made OP deserve this? Or maybe you don't know what Karma really is.

It happens op, i remember driving through the Arizona desert as a kid and a vulture flew into our windshield. Amazingly it's lived( I think) but his friends were circling around him, poor guy.

delicious69 5

I'm sorry but that's some funny shit!! I hope your ok OP...

Sounds like the owl scared the dirch outa ya!

I know it's wrong to laugh at someone getting hurt but the wording of this FML gave me the most hilarious mental image and made my day.

skyeyez9 24

It was the Weasley family's owl Errol. It was old and very clumsy.

uglycrow 5

This exact same thing happened to my mom once. Only she stayed on the damn road. Lol

At some point in your life, you must have angered the Barn Owl gods. This was their revenge.