By Anonymous - 08/08/2012 05:59 - United States

Today, I was driving down a dark country road with the windows down. Suddenly, a giant barn owl flew through my side-window and smacked into my head, causing me to drive into a ditch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 188
You deserved it 2 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Owls have better eyesight than humans when it's dark. Maybe it was saving you from something out there :)


I'm sorry I just LMFAO... I hit an owl once sad night

dog1999 2

Son of a ditch. Dooohhhhh. See what I did there!

kissme2night 5

I would've been so terrified! but owls are awesome!

coughyochick 7

Haha I'm not even going to vote. That is just hilarious!!

Is the owl ok? Owls are endangered, people aren't.

Keiren 14

I see you've met my owl Amber. *facepalm*

Don't get your hopes up, I'm sure your parents didn't believe you either...