Don't point out my shortcomings

By Anonymous - 20/06/2019 22:05

Today, I told my boyfriend that eventually I want to get my ears pinned back because I think that they stick out too much. I pulled my hair back to show him, and he said, "Yeah, they're different sizes too, and the left one sticks out more than the right one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 694
You deserved it 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry, YDI for pointing it out and even worrying about it in the first place. Nobody but you is paying that much attention to your ears, trust me.


Sorry, YDI for pointing it out and even worrying about it in the first place. Nobody but you is paying that much attention to your ears, trust me.

You obviously feel that they are an issue here. While I understand you looking for reassurance, you are always taking the chance on honesty or dry sarcasm when you bring these things up to a boyfriend. Chances are even if it’s true, he didn’t notice before, will forget about it in 5 minutes, and never notice again unless if you bring up the subject. Remember, don’t ask or insinuate questions you don’t want the answers to.

I’ve had the same operation cause of the teasing I received from a kid. Be sure it’s what you want because I now have trouble fitting certain earphones and one of my ears is now pointed. Instead of saying big ears they switched to elf ears. Fml

Did you want him to lie? He's dating you, so ear size difference/etc is no big deal to him.