By C0r1nn3 - 07/06/2012 04:02 - United States - Santa Clara

Today, I was cuddling with my boyfriend in bed after a round of amazing sex. He decided it would be a great time to stick his finger up my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 801
You deserved it 5 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blcksocks 19

Better than sticking it somewhere else. Or is it?


It was probably just a joke and you need to lighten up sweet ****...

kirakush13 4

Someone should explain to my boyfriend why this ruins the moment.

He was just spelunking. He just needed to explore other caves. Anyway ... it's better he did it after sex than before or during, no? |the kid|

Those who thumbed down probably love to have someone sticking their fingers into their nose after sex

kmiddleton627 1

I don't understand why this is so horrible? Oh, must be because I'm married. Lol I love when my husband is playful, even after sex!

Maybe he was looking for a way to let you know he had had enough cuffling.

I like it. It sounds like a portmanteau of "cuddling" and "cuffing" (being clingy). Also, cuff links. Everyone likes cuff links. And boners. |the kid|

OMG !!! It's the end of the world!!! Seriously? You need to grow up.

Up your ass or your nose....You choose.