Hair of the dog

By Anonymous - 27/09/2019 00:01

Today, I spent 15 minutes scrubbing the bathtub, just to have my roommate come home and give their dog a bath in it. They didn't even rinse it or pull the hair out. I don't know what makes it more annoying, that I'm 6 months pregnant and do all the cleaning while working full-time, or that we have a hose outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 538
You deserved it 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to raise bloody hell with your inconsiderate douchebag of a roommate, or increase their share of the rent to compensate you for providing cleaning services.

Mine hates the tub, so unless if it’s a grooming appointment, it’s a prison bath for him. He likes to dig and roll in mud. Or dead animals or animal poop. It’s a husky thing. I’m not putting that in my tub. He has never gotten a cold. Though I don’t do it in cold weather. But cool, yeah. He lives for the hose.


You need to raise bloody hell with your inconsiderate douchebag of a roommate, or increase their share of the rent to compensate you for providing cleaning services.

dogs can get colds too if you spray them with cold water from a hose.. but still they should have cleaned up after themselves.

Mine hates the tub, so unless if it’s a grooming appointment, it’s a prison bath for him. He likes to dig and roll in mud. Or dead animals or animal poop. It’s a husky thing. I’m not putting that in my tub. He has never gotten a cold. Though I don’t do it in cold weather. But cool, yeah. He lives for the hose.

Cold in and of itself does not make a being sick. Cold just makes you stay in an indoor environment more often, usually in the presence of others, which assists in passing and spreading bacteria. Cool or cold water, alone, is not going to magically make a dog or person sick

leximichelle 13

I wish more people knew this. My parents still hound me as an adult for washing my hair before work in the winter.

I hope you said something. It’s time to set boundaries with the dog before your baby arrives. Don’t need the dog claiming the baby’s toys or doing other things that could cause issues. I know a lot of us think of our animals as our babies. But that includes cleaning up after them like we would if we had children.

What's most annoying is you vent your grievance to a bunch of random electronic trolls, when you really should matter-of-factly tell your roommate to clean the tub to the way you left it.

TomeDr 24

If this is how your roommate treats you now, expect NO help when the baby comes.

the hell ? I'd beat the living sh*t out of him/her equality

Sonotsuave 35

What’s wrong with you? Is pushover in your last name? Grow some balls and tell them to start helping out cleaning, find a new roommate, or at least make them compensate you equally one way or another. Too much movements and stress isn’t good for the baby