By um... what the fuck, miss? - 02/08/2013 20:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I was buying ingredients for a salad. I had only picked up a few cucumbers, when an elderly lady came up to me and murmured, "Make sure you use lots of lube, or that'll hurt. Been there, sweetheart." What the HELL? FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 782
You deserved it 6 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JoeGrant 12

Well clearly she's no stranger to home made pickles...


I've...uhh...had a cucumber without a "drink" before.

Hey, they know what they're talking about.

Awww Grammaw! Just brim full of wrinkles, sagging flesh, and helpful advice... She forgot to mention that you've got to peel that thing too or you'll get internally abraded by the little spikes all over it.... unless you're into that, OP, unless you're into that.....

More like --"She's a SUPER freak, super freak She's super-freaky, yow!"

I know this is creepy, but she was being nice....?

Turtle_rebellion 10

If that's what she meant, why not just say it instead of something like this that can be so easily misinterpreted?

That old lady should wear a robe and live at the top of a mountain, for young people to climb up to the top of and ask for her sexual wisdom, and knowledge.