In these times

By Dee Dee - 22/05/2020 08:00

Today, my husband and I purchased a new-used truck, after being assured for weeks by the company owner we work for that the company will remain open. Later, we received an email saying that the office is closing permanently. Our jobs are "secure", but he needs help selling and moving the equipment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 426
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

I’m can your jobs be secure if the office is closing permanently?


ojoRojo 27

I’m can your jobs be secure if the office is closing permanently?

So..long story. But our owner says we can work from home. We need the equipment and space to perform some projects. He says we can rent space when needed. All this is being done to save money. It just doesn't add up. Besides I specifically asked if the office is remaining open. Feels like I'm not being told the full plan.

mcsmee 7

That's the way it always goes. As soon as someone finds out you've got a truck, they want you to help move.