Thanks for sharing

By uni life - 15/05/2012 08:08 - Australia - Perth

Today, whilst working in a pharmacy, I was given the pleasure of listening to an old lady share the details of what she sticks up her vagina. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 219
You deserved it 2 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"A tampon, a Barbie doll, any type of vegetable, a Labradoodle, weave, a Chicken leg, a kitten, my nephew's textbooks--" "JESUS CHRIST LADY, SHUT UP!"

As a pharmacist, I hope you payed close attention!


Welcome to, the twilight zone. Do doo do doo do doo do doo

tehaustiebear 34

and this one time, at band camp...

Did she inform you of the quality? Or the quantity?

47: It's a picture of me, and if turned upside down you can see a picture of my boyfriend:)

High five of you clicked on 94's pic first thinking "WTF...?" and then a second time to see her boyfriend XD

italiancows 8

You will thumb down this comment.

As a pharmacist, I hope you payed close attention!

You're assuming she's a pharmacist. Some pharmacies have regular people working registers. I doubt an actual pharmacist,a female at that, would complain hearing about anything related to body parts, being in the medical career.

TrinityisLife 22

I'm a certified pharmacy tech and I complain of it all the time >_>

torch433 1

thats the life of working at a pharmacy FYL

Say here's something you can shove up there, and flick her off

The awkward moment when she actually does stick it up there.

cornielious 1

Ahhh that may not be the best course of action

lorenzoman77 7

That's just gross... But hey, at least she doesn't stick monopoly pieces up there!

43 - You don't know that. She might stick the whole damn game board up there.

GirlWithHair 4

So....what does she stick up her ******?

gurly98 13

So, what does she not put in her ******? Exactly

God dammit guys, I can't finish now!

She has a very strange thing for squash.

KiddNYC1O 20

Vicks VapoRub. All up in there. Refill!

Gotta love the elderly, OP! At least it wasn't your grandmother?

At least she didn't talk about her having any type of sexual disease and the puss that leaks from it. I say you got lucky man.

Llamacod 11

And by "man" I presume you meant "woman"

"A tampon, a Barbie doll, any type of vegetable, a Labradoodle, weave, a Chicken leg, a kitten, my nephew's textbooks--" "JESUS CHRIST LADY, SHUT UP!"

Aww, it cut me off. "Jesus Christ lady, shut up!"

nelds 12
nelds 12

Haha that's brilliant. I love cats. Only the ones that meow though. O.o

38, so not my grandmothers..? It cant meow because of the vocal chords or something D; Poor snuggle..

nelds 12

I guess I can make an exception. Love all the kitties

Nabee143 3

38 Don't discriminate the poor little cats. Even the ones that moo deserve a chance! Lol

I'm sure the OP was just dying to figure out what other foreign objects she could stick up her ******.

Whoops, sorry, I forgot that humor falls short on some.

kirrra 11

89- while its true humour sometimes falls short, its a totally different story when the "joke" isn't all that humoures.