By 4yrldkicker - 29/07/2009 20:26 - United States

Today, I was at the mall and someone peeked their head under the door of my dressing room while I was half dressed. Not knowing who it was, I kicked him in the face just out of instinct. Its was a 4 year old kid looking for his mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 806
You deserved it 23 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow horrible luck though i don't know if i'd kick things just out of instinct

I would probably have done a similar thing


YDI for kicking a kid in the face, you idiot. you deserve to be arrested and raped in prison. *****.

viadomus815 0

wow i'm laughing at all the idiots who think its her fault... if i was her the first thing i would do is react and kick him? i would say its more of the kids fault in my opinion ? he should know now to look under dressing rooms ?

"out of instinct," lol! Makes it sound like this has happened before. Tell me, OP... how do you feel about small children? ;)

kyle_kbo20 0

would of done the same. better the kid get kicked then kidnapped cuz its not being watched.

_cheeseballs 0

Why do so many people attempt to be cool and be 'trolls' like "YDI FOR GETTING CHANGED" "YDI FOR BUYING CLOTHES" It's a massive fail. :) Favourited this fml though.

kyle_kbo20 0

bet everyone who said ydi would do the same if put in the situation

RideOorDiee 0

Dumb ass parent should watch there kids more!!! And if they( the parents ) were changing then tough shit take the kid in with you!!! Dumbfuckers

lolol pervy little **** deserved it!

can you not telling the difference in size between a 4 year old head and an adult head?

Not when it was by instinct, she didn't have control. Haven't you ever done anything like this? I know plenty of people who have accidentally punched their friends in the face over similar situations. It's one of those unfortunate events that are nobody's fault. At least OP probably wasn't wearing shoes, and since she didn't mention anything, the kid probably didn't get hurt.

I've slapped one of my friends hard enough to make them bleed because they snuck up behind me and poked me. I'm normally very good at recognizing faces. If I see someone once in the store, I can point them out a week later. It's just instinct, you cannot control your visceral actions.