By 4yrldkicker - 29/07/2009 20:26 - United States

Today, I was at the mall and someone peeked their head under the door of my dressing room while I was half dressed. Not knowing who it was, I kicked him in the face just out of instinct. Its was a 4 year old kid looking for his mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 806
You deserved it 23 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow horrible luck though i don't know if i'd kick things just out of instinct

I would probably have done a similar thing


for the people who said YDI how is it her fault?! the parents should watch their damn kids!

I don't even care about the fml I just hope this is posted.

all she saw was something poppig up under her door, she didn't have time to think.

kick to kill next time. Survival of the fittest in action.

Poor kid, but I would've reacted the same way. Definitely not your fault, if anything, as others have said, it's the mom's fault for not watching her child.

g33ktr0n 0

Lol well the kid kind of deserved it...

Keiko86 0

This was an accident, plain and simple. Unfortunate for the tyke, but embarassing for the OP. I've done something similar when a kid looked under the bathroom stall. But I just shouted at her.

Snella_fml 0

The kid deserved it, no need to be looking under doors

Not your fault. I would have done the same.

babbling27 0

I hate when little kids do that! He deserved it!