By OPforonepiece - 19/02/2016 14:38 - Netherlands - Delft

Today, I was talking to a customer and I actually fell asleep for a couple of seconds. I can honestly say she wouldn't stop talking and didn't even notice me snoring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 097
You deserved it 2 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well you are very lucky that she didn't notice, other costumers would try to get you fired for that.

Makes me think of the capital murder case where the defense attorney fell asleep. Sometimes there's just nothing you can do.


Isn't it a good thing she didn't notice?

well you are very lucky that she didn't notice, other costumers would try to get you fired for that.

Makes me think of the capital murder case where the defense attorney fell asleep. Sometimes there's just nothing you can do.

What if you never actually woke up and are dreaming....

What if we're ALL dreaming and the sole purpose of our existence is to contribute to OP's dream with our comments and the rest of our lives are just an illusion? I need a drink.

That's just one of the perks of being a wallflower.

trellz17 19

This has happened to me before! It's so weird how a person can be looking at you and not notice that you're sleep.

I'd say you're pretty talented to fall asleep like that. Lol!

This makes me wonder if OP works in a call center or if this was an interaction that took place in person.

I wish I could get away with that at my job... :(

For a second, I imagined this happening in a retail transaction