Poor planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency on mine

By Anonymous - 03/04/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, as always, when my dad says he needs my help and that it will only take 15 minutes, it will actually take all day because he doesn't plan ahead. This has happened three times now, so this time I demanded he compensate me for my time if I have to drive out there. He called me an "entitled little shit" and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 400
You deserved it 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it’s more likely Dad is simply being dishonest or at least not candid about the actual scope of the work. This is to get OP to agree to help, figuring once he’s there he’ll stick around to finish the job.

Wadlaen 23

Next time I'd say that I'll help him for 15 minutes and then leave, and hopefully he'll learn.


I think it’s more likely Dad is simply being dishonest or at least not candid about the actual scope of the work. This is to get OP to agree to help, figuring once he’s there he’ll stick around to finish the job.

Wadlaen 23

Next time I'd say that I'll help him for 15 minutes and then leave, and hopefully he'll learn.

So, your dad wants to spend time with you, is probably of the generation where just asking isn't done and now you want to charge him for it? You'll regret all the lost time when he's gone...

You sure is that a ploy to spend more time with you? When he's dead you'll be looking back on these days with a smile