By itsgonnabealongnight... - 03/09/2011 20:52 - United States

Today, I was at my grandparents' house, when the power went out. Even though we were supplied with candles and flashlights, we still had to stumble around in the darkness. They'd left both the candles and flashlights in the pitch black, unnavigable basement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 376
You deserved it 3 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jillianmathers12 13

Use your phone to find the candles and flashlight!


UMad_Bro 3

Don't you guys have a phone or an iPod? I usually carry them both around. And I'm on an iPod right now :)

TonyIsMyDog 2

No joke - like this is somehow so devastating that it has to be posted and everyone's supposed to feel sorry for her.

Use the iPhone/iPod you used to post this as a flashlight!

PunkSk8ter 0

poor you , mad because your missing your wow raid . And instead spending valuable time with your family. Get over it.

#43. Note that it says she 'was' at her grandparent's house. This implies that OP has since left and gone to a place where there is power...

I like how people don't look at what is already posted. I truly do.

23,29,45. Now that's stuck in my head!

Dark is dark, whether on the first floor or in the basement. YDI.

bitchslapped22 14

The Flashlight app on iPhone, it saves lives.

lol that sucks.... but at least the fml didnt go this way: Today, I was at my grandparents' house, when the power went out. Even though we were supplied with candles and flashlights, we still had to stumble around in the darkness. When I was trying to reach the door handle I instead reached something that felt like a pruny sandbag. I'm seriously considering suicide. FML

LiveLaughFML 10

#92: are you referring to OP's grandmas ****** or do i just have a dirty mind?

krazy_glu3 0

84- and drains your battery like there is no tomorrow.

#95 thats just sick I was talking about her boob and/or butt

jillianmathers12 13

Use your phone to find the candles and flashlight!

kickazz16 15
TheSchizoPsycho 5
Madiluvsyuh98 2
Madiluvsyuh98 2

Maybe OP doesn't have a phone or ipod. My sister is 26 is still and doesn't have a phone... I still don't know how she can survive :O

Takuya272727 16

Because she WAS there, and FML is also on a website too. Not everyone has a phone.

jillianmathers12 13

If your old enough to have a FML your old enough to have a phone or at least a iPod touch!

Not all people have an iPhone or blackberry

You know u need wifi to make a call from an ipod

108 maybe she doesn't want a phone. Or can't afford one. Or isn't allowed. Or had one and it died. Or had one but left it somewhere else. Or is getting one.

I have to "stumble around in the darkness" multiple times a day... It's called night ;)

XenaWP 6

And your phone doesn't light up?

davidisbeast 12

Their smart what? I'm simply dying to know.

auntiemomma 0

I like how you said that their smart and you can't even use the correct form of their. They're smart.

sexylegs17 5

They're * lol I just had to add it since you were correcting him and you don't even have the right "you're" .

BoredomCentral 8

I believe the word you're looking for is "they're". As in, "they are".

Kayble89 13

Why not use your cellphone light to guide you? I mean in this century if you don't have a cell then you fail at life!

I don't have a phone :( -Posted from my iPhone

TheSchizoPsycho 5

Fail fail fail fail fail dumbace ( dumbass)

KayleighRenee 0

Cell phone, iPod, Any other electronics with a light up screen?! YDI, we live in Ohio, you have to be prepared for the bipolar weather!

Use your phone as a flashlight instead of being on FML?

crazychick1269 7

If you read it right, it said I "was" at my grandparents' house.

Even so, it's likely OP had their phone on them while at grandparents. I don't go anywhere without mine.

Very true but the way the OP wrote it it sounds like they were to stupid to use there phone as a flashlight so your comment is invalid good sir