By Gina - 02/04/2010 11:33 - Thailand

Today, I was in the shops and the lights all of a sudden went out. I got really scared for no reason because it was pitch black and grabbed onto my mum's hand. When the light's got turned on I was holding on to a random guy's hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 360
You deserved it 9 608

Same thing different taste

By Anonymous - 03/01/2010 16:35 - United States

Today, I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling with the lights off. It was 1AM and I'd just finished watching a scary movie so I was a little paranoid. I was about to fall asleep when an eerie light lit the room. I jumped, got tangled in the sheets, and hit my head against the bed frame. Where'd the light come from? Not a space ship. Not someone breaking in. It was my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 562
You deserved it 29 185

Top comments

brieanna101 0

was he cute? if so, not a fml but if not FYL


Where's the FML? The OP will probably never see the guy again.

that's not a big deal unless his hand was all gross or something...but seriously it's only an fml if it's sum dude from ur school or something

ashlynn610 12
Melkezidech 0

Pedo Bear-Because it wasn't a faulty circuit that turned those lights off

CanadianHuney 0

it's cool, I had that happen, only the lights didn't go out and I wasn't reaching for my mum...........

cater2U 0

yea like 18 this isn't an fml. it's not like he said ew don't touch me or its always the ugly ones that get scared.


what head? top or bottom head?

Felendris 0

smoooooth. I must congratulate you on that one.

htownlove 0

how can u confuse a woman's hand with a man??

41- psh, who doesn't like women with hairy arms? your mom is very stylish

Lol that's not so embarrassing. When I was 8, I was at a public pool, that would every so often turn into a whirpool. I hated the waves so I'd try to get out fast but one time I was too far out when the waves started so I started freaking out went under the water and accidently grabbed some random guys swim trunks pulling them down and showing his ass. Lmao was hilarious, I got out of the pool safe though. -.-

for no reason because it was pitch black? make up your mind. either it was for no reason or it was because it was pitch black....

Sounds like a win to me not a fail op and i like your methods #62 ...wait not really

bubbarific 0

in Soviet Russia, light turns you off!

^^^ in your house, lights turns YOU on :}

Man hands? Or the guy had girly hands.

RedPillSucks 31

Damn 88. That joke is turning me off.

tehamericanboy94 0

True love is is are old guys..weird.

u were In a blacked out shop and didn't steal? lol I jkjkjk

brieanna101 0

was he cute? if so, not a fml but if not FYL

thelovelyrye 0

What are the shops? Is it like a mall? I seriosly don't know.

nolasaints 0

in America it's called a mall

jamesSIII 0

By the sounds of it, yeah; "For no reason, because it was pitch black" - that sounds like a reason to me - wimpish, yes, but a reason nonetheless.

yes, that's obviously the most logical thing to do in this situation. lol

MermaidSongXOXO 6

That doesn't sound like an FML. That sounds like a **** plot waiting to happen :]

Ajjas013 6

Yeah I mistake other people for my mom even though they don't look anything like her. Granted none of them were guys but hey, it happens. Tara's the director. ACTION!

FML: The place for budding pornography directors.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Totally. But if anyone gets cum on the camera lenses, they're FIRED.

RedPillSucks 31

Well Damn, Mermaid. How close is the camera if it's getting cum on it? I don't know if the camera should be one of the sex props...

pingpongpickle 8

awkward ... fyl an ydi for being scared

Man's hand vs womans hand. You should know immediately. hair, size, softness... YDI

12, maybe the mum's hand changes in the dark, and op knows this, if you get my drift...

This could be the start of something beautiful! ...haha Naw I'm playing. fyl.