By gpistas - 23/05/2010 06:08 - United States

Today, I was at dentist to get impressions made. The hygienist put way too much of the plaster stuff on the press. She put it in my mouth and asked if I was okay, I shook my head no and promptly vomited. It sat at the back of my throat and I could not spit it out until the plaster hardened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 808
You deserved it 3 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smiley_ily 0

eww, that's just gross, fyl.


spartan_girl 0

This happened to me once when there was a new person at the orthodontist. She put too much in, and put it way to far I vomited. Then she yelled at me for vomiting, and for not telling her I was "a puker" so she could get a trash can (hello, there's vomit on my clothes, do you think I did that on purpose? I would have liked a trash can too). Then when a different assistant came in to help clean up, she confirmed that I usually only gagged, not vomited, and when they took it out we had to re-do it because the new one had used so much and positioned it wrong. the new assistant also stabbed my sister in the nose (and made her bleed) with a wire a few days later). she was scary, lol

34. did you know that the airway the nose uses is something we like to call the throat? if your airway is blocked, doesn't matter if you breathe through your nose or your mouth , if it's blocked it's blocked. how do you think anatomy works??

Haha omg, the same exact thing happened to me when I had to puke while they were doing the plaster stuff, I wasn't allowed to swallow so I had to sit there with is just sitting in my mouth . FYL

read my comment 42 and like I said I tested this out and could still breathe and obviously so could the op so don't act like I'm the stupid one.

Dentists do impressions too, for a variety of reasons. The OP probably threw up because the material hit the back of his throat, triggering the gag reflex. You can't take the tray out till it sets (about a minute or so) so the patient will just have to breathe through his nose. The assistant didn't necessarily do anything wrong, sometimes these things just happen.

stacers 0

Sean I hate to do it again....but the thickness/consistancy of the...whatever lodged in your windpipe affects your being able to breathe or not. IE, if you could just breathe through your nose with something stuck in your throat, then choking wouldn't be a big deal. So if the OP had particularly chunky vomit, he/she would most likely not have survived. But if the vomit was mostly liquid, and it was only there for a short amount of time...then the OP has a plausable story.

I'm acting like you're the stupid one bc you are. Through picking on someone else for making a valid observation that the OP is exaggerating because she said she sat with vomit in her throat for 20 minutes. the person that you picked on stated that was impossible, then you went on to say "uhh there's these things called noses" which I said wasn't a valid point when your esophagus is blocked off. you then said you tried it with water andcould still breathe. Vomit is much more of a thick substance than water, and you didn't do it for the 20 minutes it takes to get impressions. So, in recap, I pointed out the flaws in your statement like you erroneously tried to point out someone elses. then your comment #42, doesn't prove that you're not idiotic, just ignorant to reading and to real life. Again, thanks for trying.

where are you getting 20 minutes? NO impressions take that long.

omg I hate getting impressions done, I have s. extremely sensitive gag reflex so it'd horrible. but the plaster only take seconds to harden, so not an fml

There wasn't any ignorance or stupidity in my comment. They said that there was no way this could be true and I just stated that this FML is plausible. I know that the op COULD have choked, but he/she didn't. You don't need to go in depth into what could have happened, I'm just stating what actually did happen, which is that the op obviously didn't choke to death. I understand what you're saying and maybe this is a fake, but that doesn't change the fact that it is sometimes possible to breath through your nose with something in your mouth.