By MGDS - 14/12/2013 05:52 - United States - Pine Grove

Today, I had to take an oral examination. I made it to the last part of the exam, then violently threw up in the middle of my answer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 190
You deserved it 3 267

Same thing different taste

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"Now, you tell me if this gets uncomfortable at all" "No it's okay, everything feels fi- GUURAHHHHHHWAEUUKELLELSQUELCH"

Tends to happen if you take it too deep during oral


Well hopefully you it a good enough job to get a good grade before blowing chunks

incoherentrmblr 21

"Now, you tell me if this gets uncomfortable at all" "No it's okay, everything feels fi- GUURAHHHHHHWAEUUKELLELSQUELCH"

I can imagine someone thats puking making that noise.. ._.

Dammit, I'm always just off on that one. That, and Eyjafjallajökull.

nnnope 26

very few comments on here have made me physically laugh. this is one of them.

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You usually have acceptable comments! Leave memes on pictures where they belong, not in your vocabulary.

Tends to happen if you take it too deep during oral

I think that whether you passed or not, depends on whether you threw up in the interviewer's direction or not.... I hope for the latter.

oj101 33

I hope you're in medical school or health class. That way, you can claim extra points for an ultra-realistic demonstration. Or if you're in Art class, simply call it "abstract" to get an easy A+

If you're doing writing or math you're screwed.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Perhaps if it were an English exam OP could claim that the vomit is symbolic of something... Lol.

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

36- *OP vomits everywhere* " The puke was symbolic of the demons that have left me, and how I am finally free from burden."

If you really want to be clever about it and you are in any of the arts just claim it was Dada and you have a good 50% shot of getting away with it.

I hope you were arguing against something; because throwing up is the strongest argument against it. Now if your oral exam had you pro something; you failed, I really believe in *barf*