By gpistas - 23/05/2010 06:08 - United States

Today, I was at dentist to get impressions made. The hygienist put way too much of the plaster stuff on the press. She put it in my mouth and asked if I was okay, I shook my head no and promptly vomited. It sat at the back of my throat and I could not spit it out until the plaster hardened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 808
You deserved it 3 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smiley_ily 0

eww, that's just gross, fyl.


ken8lk 3

I. *******. HATE. THE. DENTIST!!!!!!!!!!! the orthodontist/dentist I go to is VERY UNPROFFESSIONAL and everytime I go they ALWAYS **** up!!!!! I feel your pain OP, those dentists REALLY need to get thier heads out of thier asses

I'm going to side with Sean on this one. It could've been either way, depending on the vomit, but OP could breathe because he's not dead now. It could've been a fake story too, but what kind of loser would waste time to write it?

i would have spit the plaster and vomit as soon as I threw up. You're are paying for a service (and we all know it's freaking expensive) therefore, you have the right to tell them to start all over again if they are doing a bad job.

Good luck with that. Wet alginate doesn't just "spit out" nicely. The assistant knows what she's talking about when she says she has to wait till it sets.

Well maybe in this case she knew what she was doing but it doesn't has to be. I had something familiar happening to me, except I choked on some sort of plastic when they removed it from my mouth. Some of it fell backward in my throat (I had braces and some sort of plastic blocks in my mouth for a while). She didn't get my choking noises and when I tried to grab it all she said was 'calm down, CALM DOWN I know it's annoying but I'm not finished' when I finally spit it out all she said was 'ow haha that can happen'.. or they let the alginate in for too long while the assistant was on the phone. FYL OP every hygenist and dentist can make a mistake but it can hurt as hell, if this happens often just swich dentist there are a lot of good ones too.

What you're describing isn't the same as taking the tray out before the alginate has set.

well, I didn't know that once is there you had to wait:( thankfully, when i got my braces I didn't need to go through the plaster thing D: but ppl should be more careful when doing their job : /

I'm siding with Sean on this one. It could've been either way, depending on the vomit. So the determining question is: is it a fake story or not? OP would have to be the worst kind of loser to write a fake fml....

it's just that she didn't say mouth, she said throat.

******* a. fml didn't add my comment and the app closed, so I rewrote it. :| sorry for the failure guys

It's just that she didn't say she was dead and plenty of people say throat when refering to the back of the mouth.

pink_mx_braap 0

52 you're such a dumbass why don't you just go put your head under water and save the population

pink_mx_braap 0

also Sean maybe you should take some classes in school again before you put your head under water just so you can learn for once but you might yell at the teacher and say I have nose.

Night22_fml 4

drink water and breath at the same time, you can do that, but try drinking something chunkier, like chicken soup, chunks are harder to breathe through